Still pullets?


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2021
I’m brand new to chickens, and was told I was getting 3 EE, and 3 Leghorns. I now know from another post that I actually have the EEs and Buff Orpingtons. Which we don’t mind at all. But I was also told they all were 4-7 days old when we picked them up, so they would be 3 weeks old now. From pictures on here the EEs look older, or more feathered. Also is there a way to tell if they are pullets? That is what I was told, as we can’t have roosters in my village. These photos are from 3 days ago.

Turbo EE

Raptor EE

Manny EE

Tiny B Orp

Big Bird B Orp

Clemintine B Orp

thank you for any help

Too young to tell. Often can begin to distinguish by 8 weeks of age (sometimes earlier if the comb is really obvious). But male-only saddle feathers make an appearance by 12-13 weeks of age.

However, no-one will know you have a male until they are around 14+ weeks old. Usually they won't start to crow until then or later. If they crow before that, it won't be identifiable by your neighbors, or loud enough for them to hear. So, in the event you have a male, you will have some time to re-home it.

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