Still thinking Asia Blue?


14 Years
Mar 15, 2010
On the MN prairie.
A few weeks ago I posted a picture of this chick and the general consensus based on the little bit of feathering I could show was that it's an Asia Blue. Here it is a few weeks later and more fully feathered out. I'm not familiar with the breed, so I'm wondering if those of you who are, still think so. Also, I know it's way too early to definitely know gender, but based on lack of comb and wattle development and color, I'm hoping it's a pullet. I love the color and markings. (Apologies for the blurry pics. This is the most camera shy chicken I've ever seen! It's hot out and I didn't want to stress her by spending a lot of time trying to get close and having her keep trying to get away.)



Next question. Do Australorps ever have rust color on their wings? This little guy is very pretty with those rusty patches and blue tints to his feathers. If he gets some good size, I may consider this one for a flock rooster. My goal is to just have a backyard flock of good dual purpose birds. The meatier the better. (I know they'll never be like Cornish X. That is not my goal. Just enough meat on the carcass for a good meal with a few left overs.)


The second is not an Australorp, they occasionally have a stray white feather but never gold. I would assume it's a hybrid of some sort too.
Black sex link maybe? Hoovers sells those.

I looked at all Hoover's chicken pictures and there is nothing like the top one. Nothing. Not that I care. I'm not concerned about breed, more curious so that if I like this bird I could order more.
It is. I didn't see any with that coloring, that's what confused me. The Asian Black in the picture has red "highlights" instead of silver.
I was talking about your australorp being an Asian black instead of an australorp. The first one is confusing though. Maybe you can call Hoover’s and ask? I’ve seen a number of people posting on here with very similar looking chicks that were mislabeled at TSC.
I was talking about your australorp being an Asian black instead of an australorp. The first one is confusing though. Maybe you can call Hoover’s and ask? I’ve seen a number of people posting on here with very similar looking chicks that were mislabeled at TSC.
Oh! I hadn't even thought about the not-an-Australorp being an Asian Black. He does look a little more like the pictures of them.
Definitely not a black sex link. The cockerels of those are barred.
Good to know! I've been raising chickens for years, but am not really up on many of the breeds. I like to get an assortment, pick what I like and enjoy my mutts. Unfortunately, the predators also enjoyed my mutts last year so I'm starting over.
Could be both are Asian blues, or Asian blacks. Mixes don't always come out the same. Just based on what they have on their website that would be my guess too.

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