stinky sand

DE has no effect on internal parasites

NO right or wrong here but I read all the time, as a Disabled American Veteran I do not get out as much as others and so I read a ton. Sorry you are very misinformed.

This webpage addresses how and why we personally use diatomaceous earth 365 days/year and it helps to prevent repeated e-mails to others asking questions about how we use food grade diatomaceous earth. If you are interested in the manufacturers recommended feeding rates or general diatomaceous earth information, go to our: Diatomaceous Earth Facts, Information & Feeding Rates Page.

At least fifty percent of our business is related to worm or parasite overloads in humans and animals OR the results of the chemical wormers that have now poisoned the human or animal and lowered/poisoned their immune system enough to cause disease.


When we take in feral rescue kittens that have freeways of fleas running around their tiny tummies, we dunk the kittens in a 5 gallon bucket of DE and smother them in it, put it in their litter boxes, and dust them with DE twice/week AND I feed the DE internally 1 heaping tsps. daily for tiny 1 to 2# kittens as we KNOW they will have tapeworms. Immediately thereafter and for about 2 weeks, they emit 30 to 40 tiny tape segments on the back of their hind end fur. Little by little, there are fewer and fewer tape segments seen, their pot bellies are gone, and their stools are normal. Within 2 to 3 weeks all the adult fleas are gone and no larvae exist.

IF we tried to bathe these feral rescues, they would KILL us and likely never come near a human again. It is our goal to adopt them out, so bathing is not an option. Most people don't want feral cats or kittens, most want friendly, social, healthy ones and the DE really helps us accomplish this painlessly.

We feed whole rabbits we buy from rabbitries that sell to the supermarket butchers to all our canines and felines. Rabbits are natural carriers of tapeworms. Before we began using DE in 1997, I would occassionally see tapes in the canines stools. I did the "messy" Juliette de Bairacli Levy worming - fasting 3 days prior to the full moon - castor oil and antiparasitic herbs and foods. It took care of the tapes, but was a HUGE mess to clean up the diarrhea. Since using DE regularly the past 8 years in everyone's food here, I have never seen a tape segment in anyones stool. :)

DE does need to be fed daily in adequate amounts - at least 30 to 45 days for tape worms and 90 days for lung worms.


Food grade DE eliminates roundworms, whipworms, pinworms, and hookworms within 7 days of being fed daily. Studies that advise this are on our DE FAQ page and elsewhere throughout the internet.

We always suggest feeding DE for a minimum of 30 days for roundworms, whipworms, or hookworms, due to their life cycle and needing to catch any hatching eggs, as DE does not kill eggs.

Lungworms, including hookworms that have migrated to the lungs for which upper respiratory symptoms would be seen - sneezing, coughing, nasal discharge, runny eyes, etc., take double the recommended daily DE dose for at least 90 days.


We use food grade diatomaceous earth (aka DE) daily, 365 days/year for numerous reasons. The animal and human health benefits food grade diatomaceous earth provides are outstanding. DE's ability to eliminate pests such as fleas, flies, etc. makes it an asset to every being's health - human, plant, or animal.

Since DE does double duty - inside the gut and then outside in the stool, it makes sense/cents to just feed it 365 days/year. It keeps fly loads down and can help eliminate them completely if fed regularly and used on the grounds, makes stools smell less, and sweeps bacteria and heavy metals out of the body. Plus of course, it eliminates internal worms and parasites which will lower feed and vet bills and help prevent disease.

It is our belief that worms and parasites are a major cause of all disease. ALL cancer and other dis-eased patients have worms. Therefore, by feeding food grade diatomaceous earth in adequate quantities daily, we know we have NO worms and therefore at least seventy percent of the chance of getting diseased goes right out the window.


85 to 95% of the human population has worms and these worms are a major contributor to dis-ease. If your doctor said, here, take this chemical/poison wormer you give to your pet, would YOU take it?? If not, WHY on earth would you give it to your beloved companions??

The manufacturers recommended feeding rates for people is 1 heaping tablespoon daily. We take 2 tbsps. daily, simply because the RDA for 100 lb. dogs is 2 tbsps. and most of the humans here weigh 130 lbs. or more. Since DE won't hurt us and we know the DE has to come in contact with worms/parasites to eliminate them, a little more is better than not enough.

I recommend starting with 1 tbsp. daily and increasing as desired, after you are certain you aren't having heavy detox effects from the die off of worms.

Some human clients advise they use DE mixed with water and painted on their skin to eliminate parasites such as Helmith parasite infestations, Morgellon's disease, etc., and consume food grade diatomaceous earth daily. Apparently, painting the DE on the skin makes it easier to see the parasite eggs, plus it dehydrates any insects on the skin.

Food grade diatomaceous earth is excellent to help eliminate mite infestations on humans, pets, plants, and in the home and yard. This web page has been created, 12/12/06, because we have had many many calls from people who themselves, their homes, and yards are infested with mites that are eating at them. Some people have suffered from these mite infestations for over 10 years without effective treatments from physicians and chemical treatments. If you are one of these people that has suffered from mite, other bug/parasite infestations, or Morgellon's Disease please read the following and gain back your sanity and healthful life.

First, in an effort to save time and repetition realize there is a bunch of essential food grade diatomaceous earth information on our other diatomaceous earth webpages above.

This web page will NOT duplicate the information found in the web pages above, so please read the information on those webpages for more information about the health benefits and many uses of food grade diatomaceous earth.

Food grade diatomaceous earth is a natural powder that works in a purely physical/mechanical manner, not chemical and thus has no chemical toxicity. Best yet, parasites don't build up a tolerance/immunity to its chemical reaction, so rotation of wormers or chemical insecticides is unnecessary AND food grade DE has NO odor.

If you are dealing with a mite or bug infestation in your home, it is essential to treat the affected people, pets, and household all at the same time. Lightly sprinkle DE in household carpet, along floor baseboards, in pet bedding, under furniture, beneath couch and chair cushions, in closets, etc. Leave for 2-3+ days, then vacuum. Reapply regularly for the first month for severe infestations, as the parasite eggs hatch 10 days to 3 weeks after being laid by the host, so it is essential to keep up regular treatment to completely eliminate the infestation. Please do not get heavy handed with the DE in your carpet, as I have heard from one lady advising it causes problems with their vacuum when applied excessively.

Bed mites or bugs can be smothered with DE, by putting a plastic cover over your mattress, after lightly covering the mattress with DE and then zipping up the plastic cover and leaving it closed up for a few weeks.

Wash ALL clothing, bedding, and linens in hot water, preferably leaving these items in the hot water for 30 minutes.


Ants, fire ants, caterpillars, cut worms, army worms, fleas, ticks, cockroaches, snails, spiders, termites, scorpions, silver fish, lice, mites, flies, centipedes, earwigs, slugs, aphids, Japanese beetles (grub stage), fruit flies, corn earworm, cucumber beetles, corn borer, sting bugs, squash vine borers, thrips, loopers, etc., etc.

A study done by ACRES, USA, Inc. advised that after 12 months of grain storage, the food grade diatomaceous earth treated material had 15 insects, compared to 4884 for malathion and 16,994 for untreated grain.


Many people advise that they are the only ones in their household affected by a mite infestation. Their spouse and/or children are not affected or bothered by the mites, yet the mites are literally eating them alive. Some people advise they get a little relief from the itching and biting when they go to a friend's home, though the mites don't disappear while they are visiting their friend and the mites are NOT bothering the friend(s). WHY don't the mites bother everyone in the household?

Mites are on all of us: people, pets, plants, etc. We don't usually see them and most of us are not affected by them as we have reasonably strong, healthy immune systems. When our immune system is low, this gives way for the mites to take over and attempt to ruin our lives and make us miserable. Just as fleas prey on less healthy animals and mountain lions prey on the weaker, young or less healthy animals, and mites or borers prey on the trees and plants that are not as strong as they should be; mites prey on those of us who are not strong enough to fight them off.

For this reason, it is always important to boost the immune system of the being when dealing with any dis-ease - cancers, diabetes, parasite infestations, etc. There are many ways to help boost the immune system such as:

· Consume species appropriate nutrition. For people, this means forget the junk food and eat real food, plenty of fruits and veggies daily. Consider natural mineral supplementation in the form of chlorella, spirulina, kelp, etc.
· Get plenty of good daily exercise.
· Eliminate internal worms and parasites by taking food grade diatomaceous earth every day. This will help your body maximize the absorption from the nutrition you are eating, if worms are not sucking your blood and robbing you of the nutrients in your daily food.
· 100% New Zealand Colostrum is one of the best natural products that can help strengthen the immune system.
· Terminator Zapper's have benefited many of our mite infested customers, along with using food grade diatomaceous earth.

Things you can try to make you taste yucky to mites or other parasites:

· Consume 1 tsp. of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, 3x/day.
· Consume raw garlic daily.
· 100% Pure MSM is an organic sulfur dietary supplement and may be useful for itching and inflammation and repelling parasites. MSM will also help quell itching and pain.

Other natural ways to kill mites:

Try 1/2 cup of olive oil, mixed with 15 to 20 drops of each of the following essential oils:
Tea Tree (anti-parasitic, antimicrobial)
Lavender (soothing, healing, antiseptic)
Cloves (anti-parasitic, kills parasite eggs, antimicrobial)

Rub this mixture into a small area of your skin that is bothered by mites. Test it in a small area to make sure you do not have an allergic reaction. If you are fine and you notice relief in that area, than apply a larger amount to a larger area of skin. This will smother the mites.

If you cannot make your own mixture, use our Certified Organic Mange & Parasite Oil.

Try the same mixture above without the olive oil and use 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar. This can also be used to rinse your hair after washing, though do not completely rinse your hair clean with water or the antiparasite effects will be lost.

Mayonnaise by itself or mixed with a few drops of the above essential oils is good for mites or lice in the hair. Leave it on for a good half hour, then rinse well.


Every situation is a bit different, so giving a definitive time frame can be difficult. IF you start treating everything, your home, environment, yard, clothing, etc. ALL at the same time and continue for 3 to 4 weeks and are diligent, your mite infestation should be completely eliminated within 3 to 4 weeks.

IF, however, you do not treat everything at the same time, the task of eliminating them will become a constant nightmare and chore, as eggs will continue to hatch and infest you, your home, yard, automobile, etc.

For some, it is relatively simple to just dust the DE all over the household, consume it, dust or paint themselves with it, and immediately they notice they aren't itching as much. We do not recommend letting up with your mite elimination program, until you have completed 3 to 4 weeks of treatment, simply because you don't want them to return in greater numbers and drive you to insanity (which you are likely feeling already). Additionally, this is why it is VERY beneficial to work at boosting your immune system as well, so that the normal, everyday mites that inhabit all of our homes and yards are not troublesome to you anymore.


Information about: mites, lice, scabies, bed mite, harvest mite, tropical rat mite, grain mite, mold mite, house mite, itch mites, bird mites, chiggers, clove mites, straw itch mites, dust mites, and other household pests can be found at these websites:

Department of Etomology North Carolina Cooperative Extension - Mites that "Bug" People
Pied Piper - Mites
OSU - Mites Annoying Humans
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NO right or wrong here but I read all the time, as a Disabled American Veteran I do not get out as much as others and so I read a ton.

Sorry you are very misinformed.

This webpage addresses how and why we personally use diatomaceous earth 365 days/year and it helps to prevent repeated e-mails to others asking questions about how we use food grade diatomaceous earth. If you are interested in the manufacturers recommended feeding rates or general diatomaceous earth information, go to our: Diatomaceous Earth Facts, Information & Feeding Rates Page.


You're getting your information from a site that SELLS DE
Don't mistake sales hype for scientific facts

Read carefully on their site and you'ss see they also claim it won't harm earthworms in your garden.

They just care about getting you to buy it

At least fifty percent of our business is related to worm or parasite overloads in humans and animals

All the rest about "mites" has nothing to do with INTERNAL parasites

There have been 4 or 5 scientific studies and the data consistently show that diatomaceous earth does not kill worms in goats although one study did show that at a very high level (5% of the diet), it had a slight effect. There is speculation that it may help fecal pellets to dry out faster which could reduce the success of eggs developing into infective L3 larvae. Research conducted on this aspect has not been conclusive

Some claim that diatomaceous earth acts as a dewormer when added on a regular basis in the amount of 2% of the ration. Scientific tests on the subject are limited however and opinions of farmers are contradictory. Moreover, diatomaceous earth has no effect on lungworm and is not very appetizing. It may also be a lung irritant.

Given that the level of dust is already quite high in barns, diatomaceous earth does not seem appropriate when the animals are fed indoors. The main motivation for adding diatomaceous earth to rations should not be to control internal parasites. If it is to be used, it is important to use non-calcined diatomaceous earth and without additives for insecticide use.

Organic Dewormers ?
Currently, there is great interest in "natural" products as an alternative to pharmaceutical company products in controlling parasites. This category includes herbal dewormers and diatomaceous earth.

There are no studies that I know of that suggest that these products have any substantial effect on barber pole worm or other internal parasites.

In the case of diatomaceous earth there have been several studies done by parasitologists in different parts of the country that have found no beneficial effect to feeding it or offering it as mineral

If you want to kill some INSECTS, it might work as long as it's DRY.

If you waat to kill INTERNAL parasites, it's a waste of money​
I guess we are going to have to keep our opinions because I have 50 or more different sources if you look-up "diatomaceous earth killing internal parasite in chickens" or "DE and worms in chickens" and there is not only a couple but tons if you are willing to look and the ones I have read do not sell it its information passed on by reputable sources. So please accept my apologies if I am missing something here but there is just to much testimony showing it does have health benefits regarding the result in ingesting DE in chickens for 90 day or more or on a 365 day basis if you want your birds worm free year round. For the small cost I believe the articles. It OK to to Dis agree peace and have a good day.
I use a shrub rake I bought at Lowe's to rake it to one end of the run. Then I use a kitty litter scoop to pick it up. Only takes about 5 minutes.
I have 4 chickens and there is a 10' run extension now, in addition to the one in the photo. But it's all low to the ground and requires me being on hands & knees to clean it.
It might help to add an extension to my kitty litter scoop.

I also put my chickens in a yard pen some days, so you would think that would cut down on the problem somewhat. I can't let them free range because I'm on open space and one of my neighbors has a Doberman that killed one of my chickens, and every time it gets out, it comes looking for my chickens. There's also a coyote that hangs around here pretty regularly. Oh, and we saw an eagle the other day (Colorado), not to mention lots of hawks. So they have to be locked up for their own safety, which makes me sad, 'cause I'd love to let them roam around the yard.
I guess we are going to have to keep our opinions because I have 50 or more different sources if you look-up "diatomaceous earth killing internal parasite in chickens" or "DE and worms in chickens" and there is not only a couple but tons if you are willing to look and the ones I have read do not sell it its information passed on by reputable sources

Feel free to show links to your sources , if you're convinced they are "reputable".
I'm betting they all just parrot the myths and hype from Wolfcreek

Or even better, show me just ONE from a veterinarian or a college study that states conclusively that DE kills internal parasites.
There should be one in those "tons" of sources​
Ole rooster wrote:
What does this DE debate have to do with stinky sand?

DE was mentioned in the OP as not helping with the problem

I have tried mixing DE in with the sand, but basically it HAS to get scooped every day or it gets stinky

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