Stock photography... makin' money 'til we can sell eggs

I have stuff up on Dreamstime and BigStockPhoto. Since I work in graphic design, I usually end up using the credits I earn from my photo sales to buy other stuff I need but don't have
Thanks! My mom says my photos are pretty good and that I might be able to sell them. Right now, though, I make money by selling my eggs. ( It's a good business- everyone loves them and the girls lay over a dozen a day)

However, I really enjoy taking chicken pics and I'm very interested in the selling-your-pics-on-the-internet idea. Can anyone explain the process more? And how much would each photo sell for?
I understand... I'm always amazed a what people are buying and not buying!

Your artwork is great! Have you checked out CafePress yet?
I dont realy edit my photos. The most I ever do is cro the excess scenery to make the subject stand out. Is there a program you would recommend?***

You can use Picasa from Google or download Gimp for free. Gimp is quite close to the bigger editing programs out there, I believe it's at There are also programs that you can buy such as Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Digital Image Pro, Paint Shop Pro to name a few.

Ive actually got gimp uploaded on my laptop at home! Its just confussing

ARGH! I cant think well enough to spel today

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