Stolen black swan, be on the lookout - Oregon/West Coast


7 Years
Nov 20, 2015
Snohomish County, Washington State
My Coop
My Coop
Stolen black swan, be on the lookout - Oregon/West Coast

Cutting and pasting from Facebook. This is from Enchanted Farm Sanctuary in Oregon.

"I’m devastated to share that last night, just after 2:00am someone came onto my property & took Belladonna Winterspell!!! I was woken up by the dogs barking & donkeys braying & heard Belladonna honking as well. All the animals were frantic. I rushed outside just in time to catch a brief glimpse of a sedan of some sort peeling out of the driveway. My entrance gate is quite a distance from the house & I couldn’t see much. So I ran down to the gate... and that’s where I found a clump of feathers. I was in a panic searching for Bella until it hit me.. She was gone. I’m in shock. I didn’t even realize until speaking with several people today how “valuable” Black Swans are because I don’t think of animals in monetary terms like that. They apparently sell for thousands of dollars. So I can only assume that’s why someone took her. I know most of you are not from this area so I doubt this post will help much but I just don’t know what else to do... Aside, of course from filing a police report & spreading the word in case someone sees her for sale or knows where she is. If you have ANY information at all about Belladonna PLEASE contact me I just want her home!!! PLEASE!!!! #help#enchantedfarmsanctuary #blackswan Newberg, Oregon"
A shorter version came across my facebook. I had no idea they actually saw the unfortunate incident on accident. I also didn't know black swans are THAT valuable. How terrible that people just steal people's animals like that. It is probably a long shot, but I do hope the perpetrator(s) is caught and that poor bird gets to go home.
So sad. Don't know if I'm suppose to say this but hope the culprit goes straight to heck. The fright and terror that poor swan went thru and who knows beyond that. If it were mine I'd need prescribed meds to survive the agony I'd be going thru. My Gunther, a male Black Aussie is 5 now and a bit aggressive. Someone taking him would have a fight on their hands. He needs a mate so I'm looking for one or a mate he can go live with. Problem is it would need to be a perfect forever home. I want him to live out a full happy life. IMG_1847.JPG IMG_2036.JPG

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