stop geese eggs from hatching


In the Brooder
Oct 13, 2017
Hi all, my question is if I remove eggs from wild geese nest and replace them with fake eggs will this fool the goose or will she know they are not her eggs and lay more, I have a pond and I don't want them around they make a mess.last year I oiled them but they still hatched not sure if I did it to early or not.any other ideas on how to stop them from hatching? Thanks
To control over population of Canada geese in some areas they do take their eggs up. Once the female has laid her clutch and has begun sitting she will not lay any more eggs this year.
I put fake swans on my pond last year they did get rid of 2 out of 3 pairs of geese, one pair stayed, Its PRO AL THE Same PAIR FROM LAST year, They ARE Nesting IN THE Same spot, THE Swans DON'T Bother These ones, I thought if I just removed the eggs they would just lay more, how long should I wait before I remove the eggs,she has been nesting about 6 days now.not sure if she is done laying. Thanks for your responses .
If she is on the nest almost full time now she is through. You want to get those eggs before they start to develop which if she is already on the nest 6 days more than likely they have. I am pro life all life so to me that will be sad. But our Canada geese stay down at the river. I have enough goose and poultry poop from my own birds to have to deal with it from wild geese.
Is this your own private pond? If so, most likely you can do what you want. However, if this waterway is not all on your land, or if the nest site is not on your land, you may have an issue with the legality of messing with wild birds. You could addle the eggs. Or wait until she is setting day and night and then destroy the nest. Or you could leave her with only 1 - 2 eggs. Yes, it is sad, but on the other hand, overpopulation of a body of water by waterfowl can do a lot of damage.
Yes this is my pond, which i enjoy swimming and fishing on,they are nesting on my land, I understand some people may get upset but 2 years ago I ended up with 4 nesting pairs which ended up with 26 geese, what a mess, we couldn't even swim with all the crap on the shore, never mind my dogs eating the crap, so last year I had the pa game commission up but they don't have authority over geese, he did suggest the swans, oil the eggs and let the shoreline grow in, which I wouldn't do so I ran wire along the shore to try to keep off my lawn.this year I have 1 pair left but I don't want any gosslings so I will do what it takes.i did get a permit which allows me to harass the geese, destroy the nest and eggs.thanks for all the replies.any information is welcome

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