Stopping in to say "hi"


Flew The Coop
12 Years
Apr 16, 2007
I've been a busy bee lately and have not signed on in FOREVER! Just wanted to stop by and say hi and let everyone know that I haven't quit BYC...just taking a vacation and focusing on other things. I'll stop in from time to time.

Let's see...the chickens are great! My jobs are great! My veggie garden is all planted! DH is seriously thinking about goats now although he wants to wait until next spring to get them.

Anyway, I'll be back.

Hi ya! I've missed your posts ... glad to know everything is good and it's just a busy life getting in the way of being here.
Was thinking about you the other day and hoping all was well with you, your hubby and the soap business!

Good to hear a shout out. And glad that you have something better to do all day than sit here and spend your hours on the forum....
not like that's what I'm doing or nothin'....

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