Store bought coop... I know, bad idea.. too late



Apr 27, 2021
East Texas
So far, I’ve done everything wrong with my flock. I bought 7 chicks from a local Chicken Trade Days. I didn’t know HOW to pick a chick, so I let my daughter pick what she wanted. It’s been 6 weeks and I’ve learned a lot. I have one that’s clearly older than the others, one with a turned out foot, and probably 5 of the 7 are Roos (that I can’t have because where I live has an ordinance against crowing). I’ve had to separate the larger one because he’s a bully. I also bought a coop from Atwood’s. I know. Well, now I know. I’ll post a pick of the coop. I try to get picks of the flock, but most of them hate me. I’m trying, guys. I really am.
I live in East Texas. I live on about an acre. They can't free range because of roaming dogs.
I want happy healthy pet chickens who also provide eggs for food and fertilizer for my very small garden. I have no desire to hatch. I may try pullets next time, as the roos will have to go as soon as they start crowing.
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The silkies are hard to sex at that age but looks like pullets to me. You most likely gonna have to enlarge that coop or build a bigger one. Silikies require about half the room of a bigger chicken. Also sounds like you might got bantams and maybe a full sized bird.

Get some mealworms and make them eat them from your hand. It will train them to come to you and trust you.
The Silkies (The fuzzy ones) are the only ones I can't tell the gender on. All of the others so far look like pullets! As for the coop, I'm not good on coops. Good Luck!
That would be great!!! I think the white silkie is a boy because it stood up to the older one. I'm looking for pics of him. He's good with people, but I was afraid one of the other chicks. would get hurt.
The silkies are hard to sex at that age but looks like pullets to me. You most likely gonna have to enlarge that coop or build a bigger one. Silikies require about half the room of a bigger chicken. Also sounds like you might got bantams and maybe a full sized bird.

Get some mealworms and make them eat them from your hand. It will train them to come to you and trust you.
Do we need to enlarge the inside part (I think roost?)? Or just the run? I want a larger run for them because they can't free range. I also want a place large enough for me to interact with them.
The silkies are hard to sex at that age but looks like pullets to me. You most likely gonna have to enlarge that coop or build a bigger one. Silikies require about half the room of a bigger chicken. Also sounds like you might got bantams and maybe a full sized bird.

Get some mealworms and make them eat them from your hand. It will train them to come to you and trust you.
The sellers said I have three Easter Eggers, two Road Island Reds, and Two silkies. One of the Road Island Reds is the bully I've had to separate. The other I really think is female, but she has a turned out leg. I'm not sure if I should try to correct or not. I'll probably start a new thread about her.

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