Store bought eggs hatch along anyone? I'm buying regular organic.

Great! Can't wait to see how it works out! Conform with me when you set so I can put the info by your name.
Havent heard from my byc friend yet about shipping eggs... But even if she doesnt I will set eggs for sure sometime next week.
I am in the east coast, we do not have trader joe's......these came from a grocery store called giant's,,,they carry a couple different kinds of fertile and free range eggs in their organic section....I picked the brown speckled ones because none of my birds lay this kind and since I am using a broody It will be easy to know if she adds any more eggs.
I just picked up my fertile eggs from Whole Foods...they're sitting out right now to come to room temperature. Varying shades of brown eggs...we shall see what kind of chicklets hatch, if any :D
Even though I have 151 eggs in my bators I still really wish I could do this with you guys. I will have to see if I can make a trip to portland and if they have any markets that have fertle eggs. So I may be able to do it at some point this summer if I can figure out how to get there as its about 85 miles away and I have no car. Good luck everyone
Awesome Aschenfire! And thanks for the support Gabriella :)

So I have been bummed that I can't set yet because I still don't have the eggs I am getting to set with the store eggs, but I guess everything happens for a reason because there was a huge power outage in my town this morning! It probably would have ruined my hatch.
Last winter on our coldest night we lost power. The power had already been off for at least couple of hours when I discovered the power was off, my incubator temp was 78 degrees. Luckily I had a battery pack and an inverter. I plugged the incubator into it and got the temp back up. I still had a good hatch.

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