Stories of your Chicken Names

Dear SilkeySandra, You said you have a silkie Which is a black with gold splash named Tazzie.

Hey, I would really like to see a picture of Tazzie ! I have never seen a silkie with that coloration!

Could you please share a picture of her with us?

I named my Silkies after meteorological terms:

My two blues are: Stormy and Thunder

My two splashes are: Raindrop and Stardust

My two whites are: Lightning and Snowflake

My one buff is: Sunshine
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I have a large flock, so most of them don't have names. But our 7 week old Dels are named after comic book superheros, based on their individual personalities and my high expectations of them.
My 2 favorite Del babies are Ben Grim and Sue Storm. Ben is a big, but freindly, gentile guy and Sue is always jumping up to say hi and gets in our faces. Sometimes I wish she really was the invisable girl
BO Roo SAwyer off of Lost because he was blond and a little bit jerky compared to our other roo Fez( he was killed by a coon. but my baby)

slwyandotte Beyonce' because she's bootielicious

Susan B(as in Anthony) she is an ancona and i named them all after suffragettes or womens lib figures because they all ran away as soon as the roosters got randy

LAdy gaga and madonna my elegant australorps

Satine bantam cochins
sir haversham or peckypants

Lillian one of our RIR

schitzty a leghorn

and Snori Snorrelson because yes she snores
My girls have named all the rest but I can't keep up with them all
I've got 2 BR Hens

Grits & Gravy.................................................cause Dammit I love me some grits & gravy.
King Louis-after the french king(Dominating rooster).
Martha(deceased)-I couldn't come up with anything else!
Gwendolyn-after the childrens book Gwendolyn The Miracle Hen.
Chick-Since she is so small.
Frank and James-Because the names just fit!

A photo of Frank:

A photo of Gwenny(The Hen)


Louis in the front,Frank in the back:



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That's how I do it too. To me, it just seems like hens should have old fashioned ladies' names.

I have Nina and Ida.

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