Storm/possible tornado damaged one of my coops tonight

I live in Central Illinois and the weather yesterday and last night was a nightmare for all of us. My 9 wk. old chickens don't like rain and wind, so they aren't venturing out much. I'm sorry you had such damage, but I LOVE your little chicken house. If you built it once, you can do it again, and it will be every bit as adorable the next time around, I'm sure. Just stay safe. Let's hope the weather settles down and we can all breathe a bit easier soon. I'm going to keep praying for ALL the weather victims. Such devastation is hearbreaking.
I am so glad that everyone is ok. Good job building the coop.
Thanks everyone, for the replies. Hot2Pot, so sorry to hear your story. That was my fear as well when I opened their door last night. I know it could have been worse, but I was still shaking. I was even happy to see my evil rooster that bloodies me on a daily basis and even gave him a hug.

The whole coop has been knocked backwards. I got some debris out of the way so you could see the house.

New skylight

That vine is in the way, but the concrete is split in two on both paver stones.

I have a couple of boys that usually like to sleep over in this corner. Good thing they weren't over there last night.
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I'm so sorry this happened to your beautiful coop. It is a big loss and a lot of work to deal with, between the coop, the fencing and the tree. I'm really glad that you are all safe and that you have your home intact, though.

Looking at those pictures, I am so impressed not only by the beauty of your coop, but your construction. That is just amazing. You should be really proud. Your chickens owe you their lives. There are people living in homes that aren't as well built as your coop.

Here are my boys in their temporary area. The rest of the flock are going to have to give up some of their run for awhile until I can figure out if the floor framing and walls are salvageable. I don't really like the way the one outside floor board is looking.

Do you like the tiny little two foot poles I'm using on that 5 foot fence wire? They are all the extra poles I have at the moment. Good thing they are chickens and I'm not trying to fence in some dogs.
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I am just curious was the coop insured? I am an insurance agent and find quite often that people think they have coverage on structures that house their animals, when in fact most policies exclude coverage for these items unless you endorse it farm/ranch or hobby farm type liability coverage..
I feel your pain I lost my coop last night too, we had just gotten the rafters on monday night and we were going to finish it up this weekend and the winds we had just pushed it over like it was made out of tooth picks my hubby was taking it apart this morning he said he would be able to salvage the rafters and the base but he would have to rebuild all the walls and he's hoping the floor will dry out so we don't have to replace it we had a tarp over it but that didn't help much once the walls went down but at least the chicks were still in the shop and everyone was ok it did get scary there for a bit we all stayed hundled up in a tiny closet until it was over
Sorry to see that kind of damage to your beautiful coop. Thankfully it wasn't your house and everyone (people and chicens0 are safe and sound. Hopefully it's a repairable thing for you. These storms all over are really brutal this year.

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