straddle leg question in a 12 hour old chick


6 Years
Jan 5, 2014
Kansas City Area
I had a non ideal lockdown incubating 3 silkie eggs (big fluctuations in humidity) but despite this one hatched at 4:30 this morning. I just got home from work and it clearly has splayed legs and possibly crooked toes. I've not dealt with this before but the information on bracing seems fairly straightforward. My question is this-when should I remove it from the incubator and do this? It isn't fully fluffed up yet. Will it hurt to wait until tomorrow morning or should I go ahead and do it this evening. I have a brooder more or less ready...

Thank you!
I think the chick will be okay if you wait until tomorrow because the chick doesn't yet have to eat because they are still absorbing nutrients from the egg yolk,so yeah I think the little one will be just fine if you wait for her to fluff up a bit.sorry In can't do more,I have not hatched my one chicks
Wait until completely dried & fluffed, legs & toes may straighten out after it's completely dried. Get the brooder warmed & ready, put non skid liner at the bottom of the brooder, IF the toes/legs are still not right, you can put it in a brace & sandals. You may want to feed Nutri Drench, it could be a vitamin deficiency (Riboflavin). Pictures would help
Wait until completely dried & fluffed, legs & toes may straighten out after it's completely dried. Get the brooder warmed & ready, put non skid liner at the bottom of the brooder, IF the toes/legs are still not right, you can put it in a brace & sandals. You may want to feed Nutri Drench, it could be a vitamin deficiency (Riboflavin). Pictures would help

Here is a pic. I have some Nutri Drench on hand as well as stuff to make a brace/sandals if needed. I think it definitely has splayed legs, I'm not 100% on the toes. Hopefully we can get this corrected without too much trouble given how young it is.
:( Does look spraddle legged :( Still let it dry off before anything :fl There was another person that had a chick hatch "splayed" but straightened out after it dried out & in the brooder, didn't see a pic of it though. Nutri Drench won't hurt & hope the rest hatch ok :hugs Hoping for the best ... Check out Poultry Pedia website, informative.
Thanks, I'll get it braced and in the brooder a little later this morning and see how it does. I just realized I'm going to need some marbles or stones for the waterer so I'll pick up some shelf liner at the same time. It seems like a good strong baby otherwise, it is very vocal. Unfortunately, the other 2 eggs I had in there succumbed to the humidity issues but I have 8 more eggs on lockdown in my good incubator so this little one won't grow up solo. It may be a blessing to have 4-5 days alone before the other ones hatch.
Good suggestions by all, I will add that the Poultry Nutri-Drench is fine to give, I like the stuff myself, but it does not contain Riboflavin (B2) which is supposed to be good for leg healthy. It would be a good idea to give the chick a poultry vitamin that has B2 or crush 1/4 tablet of human B-Complex and add that to her feed daily.
I had my first spraddle leg chick this last hatch. I used a 2" band-aid and a thin piece of tape. It worked well for her, and she is doing fine now.
I cut the band-aid in half, lengthwise.

I wrapped one piece around one leg with the pad around the leg.

Repeated on the other leg, attaching it to the first one.

And wrapped a thin piece of tape around the middle.

It held up well and was easy to remove.

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