Straight Runs


5 Years
Mar 6, 2016
I'll never buy straight runs again. Ordered from a hatchery, 10 -1 day old baby chicks, Arrived in 4 days, out of 10 chicks one died in 2 days.. waited for them to grow and show the "males". At 4 weeks I could see that I had at least 5 roos, gave them away. Left me with 4 chicks, as they grew I could see 2 more roos. So out of 10 chicks, I ended up with 2 hens. I live in the city limits and cannot have roosters! These are darn expensive chicks! They are French Black Copper Marans!!
I got straight run because I wanted the copper marans, and can't find them anywhere! I know it was stupid, but I did it.

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