Strange caterpillar may have nearly killed two of my chicks

She's dying. There's no coming back from where she is now. It's time to end her suffering.

Ugh, my heart goes out to you.

When I first got my chicks, my favorite, a 2 day old welsummer, was bit by my dog on the head and it broke her neck, she flailed about and I had to euthanize her. It was awful. I cried for days. I'm so sorry for all of this. Always remember you did everything you could to save them both. They will be er the rainbow bridge together. Sending love and hugs to you.
So sorry for your heartbreaking loss. I used to live in Orlando, and there were deadly caterpillars living on our oleander bushes. They had sharp needle-like quills all over their bodies. A beautiful wild bird crashed in my backyard one day, with similar symptoms to your chickens. It died within an hour. Clearly, it had been poisoned. I wonder if it ate one of the caterpillars. Hope the rest of your flock are all doing well.
Three things point to the poisonous caterpillar as the culprit. The rapid onset of symptoms and decline. Finding the caterpillar in the exact spot where I discovered the chicks and identifying it, and finally, noticing the necrosis of the tip of the tongue which looked a lot like frost bite.

I'm so sorry for your loss. that really sucks. i don't know if i should even raise baby chicks as i get depressed when they die for a week or 2 but i keep going because even the worst days can be a good day when your hen is there at the gate waiting you to come say hi.(mine does every day) she even attacks the window to wake me up. the love we get from them can only be known by a true chicken nut like me.
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Three things point to the poisonous caterpillar as the culprit. The rapid onset of symptoms and decline. Finding the caterpillar in the exact spot where I discovered the chicks and identifying it, and finally, noticing the necrosis of the tip of the tongue which looked a lot like frost bite.
I am so sorry for your loss! You fought hard for her though and thats all any of us can do. ((Hugs))

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