Strange egg yolks


Premium Feather Member
Jul 24, 2022
Two weeks in a row I have had eggs with broken up yolks when I went to make devilled eggs. I sell most of my eggs and am worried my customers may have gotten one of these eggs.

I only sell large to jumbo and keep the medium eggs for my own use. Almost all of the medium sized eggs are blue and green shelled. There is seldom a brown egg that small, but both of these eggs were medium brown shelled and laid by a Barred Rock.

Since I boil most of my eggs for personal use, I keep them for just over a week before boiling them to make them easier to peel.

A few days ago I had a Barred Rock hen die of unknown reasons. I had just gotten rid of 3 cockerels the day before so figured that pecking order disputes may have been the issue. When I flipped over her, her intestines were protruding from her body. There was fresh snow on the ground so I know that a predator was not the cause of her death. I figure she may have been egg bound. Not sure if she was the hen who laid these eggs, but thought I would include this info in case she had a medical issue that was behind this strange yolk issue.

Also, my heated waterer died around the same time these eggs were laid and we had a week of really cold weather. I brought out fresh water before going to work and again 10hrs later when I returned, but they definitely had to endure a few hours without fresh water until the new heated waterer arrived. Again, not sure if this may have contributed to these strange eggs.

Can anyone suggest what may be causing these bad eggs?


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Perhaps a pullet that just started laying? Sometimes egg issues happen when chickens first start laying eggs.
The barred rocks have been laying since the end of October. They hatched May 24 of last year so are almost a year old.
Hmm. You said you had a hen pass, so maybe it was due to stress and those were eggs from her. Sorry for your loss, btw :hugs
Thx. She was so young so it was pretty upsetting. I am hoping they were from her so that I don't get my more eggs like that. The birds have all been stressed lately. Did a major coop cleaning when it warmed up for a week before the cold snap, changed the pecking order and we live so far north that we gain almost an hour of light a day at this time of year. In another month it won't get dark at all.

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