Strange Happenings


Premium Feather Member
7 Years
May 7, 2017
East Texas
I have a broody Langshan (Lucy) who has been sitting for 19/20 days. I heard loud chirping last night, not this morning but don't want to move her so as not to disrupt mother nature.
1st question: Are the chicks hatching or are they still in the egg?
2nd: Lucy is separated from the other hens. She is inside the run in a large kennel with adequate protection from the elements. The other hens have been sleep on outside roosts near Lucy the last two nights. I am finding their eggs all over the place inside the run. They always lay in the nesting boxes. Is this behavior unusual or do hens behave this way when a broody is near?
1st question: Are the chicks hatching or are they still in the egg?

It could be either but if it is loud, they are probably hatching. If they are still in the egg they should not be that loud. My broody hens often hatch a day or even two early.

2nd: Lucy is separated from the other hens. She is inside the run in a large kennel with adequate protection from the elements. The other hens have been sleep on outside roosts near Lucy the last two nights. I am finding their eggs all over the place inside the run. They always lay in the nesting boxes. Is this behavior unusual or do hens behave this way when a broody is near?

I let my hens hatch in a regular nest and have never experienced that. That does not sound normal to me at all. I have no idea what is going on.

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