Strange Tracks in Pen *Logical Conclusion on Page 46*

i pulled out the directions for the game cam and it is not Mac compatible, only PC. Who makes anything anymore that only works with a PC? Hum. i'll look at it again tomorrow. It has onboard storage but also has two memory cards. i would think i should be able to just plug a memory card into the card reader on my computer and download pictures.

Guess no answers for another day. i'm sure that mouse will be back, though.
Yup, that's what an alien vegetarian inch worm would look like....excuse me while I go outside and scream "EWWW"
Yes, If you have a card reader you can just remove the card and download. We do it all the time for our deer feeders. We get everything from bluejays to racoons and lots of deer. I keep two cards so I can load a fresh one when I remove the one for reading. Not as convienent as having a direct link to my computer, but I am working on getting a web cam. Good luck:caf
I would take my digital pocket camera with to check the game cam I had. I could pop the card into the camera and preview the pictures to see if there was anything on the card without having to swap it out all the time. I only had one card that had alot of memery. The other would only hold about 9-10 pictures so I had to change that one out alot more often.
I am thinking this could be a snake that is keeping a mice problem under control. if the camera shows what kind of snake it is, and it's not venomous I would say let it keep eating the mice. natural rodent control. I too and sceeved by snakes, but as long as they aren't deadly then I can deal with them a little better. also, have you noticed a drop in daily egg count?? it could be swiping eggs. I have the creepy crawlies all over my skin just thinking of all this, but good luck with the camera and we are all anxiously awaiting pics!

i was set to take this game cam back, then saw the receipt said no refunds, only exchanges. This was the only model cam they had. But my husband has an old PC i can use, and then it sounds like i can use the SD cards.

SO - this morning, we had definite tracks. i could see movements with little mouse feet in them, which corresponds to what i saw on the monitor night before last - that little guy running back and forth a hundred times. But then another set of marks that look like a snake(?). Is that what it appears like to everyone? i'm thinking i may have Wild Kingdom going on in that pen at night. Got to get this cam set up today(!).

Okay, this picture is very hard to see. But there are many overlaying mouse tracks going from one side of the pen to the other.

Then around the perimeter of the pen, here are the other marks that look like snake movements.

Then a hole in the side of the playhouse next to the pen. i keep filling it up with rocks and something keeps moving them out. i really need to get someone to trench all around that little house and run hardware cloth.
Hi bethandjoeync, i haven't noticed a drop in egg production. i think this whatever-it-is is only coming at night. i have most of my pens right together, so you can see from one pen to another. That cluster has 5 pens and then the duck pen on the end. They are right off our back patio. i think if anything was coming out during the day there would be a huge kafuffle in the ranks. So it seems that the aviary in that pen where the girls sleep and lay their eggs is not being disturbed. There's just a whole lot of drama happening around it at night.

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