Strange Wound - (See Closed Thread) "My neighbor shot at me"

Yes and no. We are on a street surrounded by ag zoned properties and farms. One farm having put up two chicken houses this last fall. Two $500K homes across the road from them are now up for sale. I guess the smell got to be too much for them, but what could they do? The built on farmland... I think it serves them well...

Our street has eight houses on it and the back street has five. Most of the properties have about 3 acres, save one or two who are nestled on 1 to 1.5. We have 3. The back street properties- including the problem neighbor, are nestled in a wood, part of which, we own. Some of us are zoned R1 but the neighborhood operates mostly Ag anyway, since it has since 1949 when the landowner built the first building in this area-- our house, and then he eventually sold of a few acres here and there to others. For instance, three of my neighbors have chickens with roosters and another two have to dozen goats each. This is not a problem for the existing neighbors who may be zoned R1.

This town has no laws against rooster noises, or the number of fowl one can keep on the property outside of the city limits. (And we're well outside.) Inside the city, hens and honeybees are allowed but they must be registered. Township R1 says nothing about poultry numbers or rooster noise.

The only stipulation is the addition of new buildings needing to be build so many feet from property lines and they require a permit to add buildings to a property- even a shed. My neighbor's goat barn already existed, as did our two sheds, one being the coop now. Mind you, my neighbors closest to us love my chickens (and they also have a full 3 acres as do the next three houses beyond a piece!!) It's the guy down in the woods who has the problem, and the nearby neighbors have all informed us that the problem neighbors on the back road are "strange birds" and "crazy."
If your property is zoned agricultural, regardless of what your neighbors' property is zoned, then your neighbors have no right to complain about your roosters, or any farm noises, and they are harassing you. Some townships with properties zoned agricultural require a certain amount of acreage to own what are considered farm animals though.

If you're zoned R1, regardless of if your neighbors are zoned agricultural, then you may want to re-check what you're allowed to have on your property.

It doesn't matter what your neighbors' properties are zoned. It matters what your property is zoned.

ETA: Also, regardless of what you're zoned you're being harassed...criminally. I like the idea of the metal roofing as a method of returning the pellets.
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I'd pay the money for the x-ray. A pellet in the bird isn't going to cause lead poisoning. Lead has become a hysterical buzz word. A lead pellet (or several), picked up and ingested by your birds will do more harm than a single, solid lead pellet under the skin.

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