Strangest and Silliest Chicken Names?

hens are nothing surprising --- Anitra, Becky, Christina, Deirdre, Phoebette, and Ginger

but the "pullet" who turned out to be a cockerel ... started out to be Evelyn ... then when sex seem indeterminate .. Moonlight (as chick was black with white splotches) -- then when we moved them to the coop and run we could tell he was NOT a pullet

called "chick - chick- chick --roo - roo - roo" when we wanted them to follow us out to the chicken tractor

so he is now: ROO-PERT

could have been Roofus but we liked the other better
I have three hens and a rooster. My thoughts on naming them was after Charlie's Angels, then the Dixie Chicks. A few others came to mind as well but we ended up calling them

I know, wierd huh. I think Charlie's Angels was a good idea but the names were too normal.
OK, here we go! first little flock of 4: (from the book, "Wicked") Galinda, Morible, Elphaba, and NessaRose. Then, the 3 new girls: (the movie stars) Meryl Streep, Sissy Spacek and Uma Thurman. Uma crowed at 6wks. and was renamed John Travolta. and the 3 newbies (3 months old) the Brits: Emily Chickenson, Mary EggShelley and Elizabeth Barrett BrownEgg.
I've got several silly names -

My Delaware hen is named Jobin from the movie "I Love You, Man." One of our favorite movies. When we get a goat we're going to name it "Totes" because in the movie they say "Totes McGoats" a lot hehe.

My Australorp hen is named Penguin because she looked just like a penguin when she was a chick. We weren't very creative on that one!

Our White Leghorn hen is Chickabod Crane. Hubby came up with that one.

The Speckled Sussex hen is Tubs because she was the fattest little chick!

Our Barred Rock rooster is named Sir Camiris the Amorous. Hubby came up with Sir Camiris (it was from a book he was reading) and I said if we're naming him Sir Camiris, he has to be the Amorous! We usually just call him Cam for short!

We like silly chicken names
We have four pullets. I named mine "Harmony"(Harm) My bro named his "Foghorn"(Foggy)Both Leghorns. My crazy, army-lovin', VERY country sis named hers "Sargent Chicken"(Sarge) And my daddy wanted to name his "Lunch"....and I wouldn't let he named his "Henfruit"(Fruity)
They're both RIR. My mommy named hers Clarabell...but the dog got her. And a hawk got Sleepy...
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Our girls are named after the women in our village. We have a waiting list of ladies who want chickens named for them.

We have a Millie Fleur D'uccle we call the Halloween chicken - she is nearly 10 years old and just hatched a batch of easter eggers for us last month (the chicks are as big as her now.)
Most of mine are pretty normal. Buffy, our buff EE, seems very plain...but her full name is Buffy the Egglayer, which is silly. Then there's Tiger. I'm not sure why she's Tiger, it does seem an odd name for a chicken. I think it's just because when she was starting to feather in she had very stripey feathers, so the name sort of stuck. And Merna, which isn't really a particularly strange or silly name except that I think it came from a Panera Bread Co. radio commercial (I don't remember the name of the lady in that commercial, it wasn't Merna but it was something similar sounding and Merna just sort of popped into my head).
I have quite a few birds, but mostly seem to only name the males, probably because ther are so feew of them as opposed to the hens, so they're easier to keep up with. Last year, I had one RC Ancona cockerel hatch from a clutch (incubator disaster), that was alone for the first two weeks. Until we had more chicks hatch, he got lots of attention, including sitting on my shoulder as I read in the evening and wandering all over my desk during the day. He was fascinated by the keyboard, and mistook my typing for another bird. He would run over, hop up and help me scratch and peck; I call him "Typo".

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