Strangest and Silliest Chicken Names?

We always seem to get a house chicken, one that either hatches late or gets nursed in the house and just decides
that by the back door is where they live. Or worse, insist on coming back in. We usually set up a station for them,
like a stool inverted with a paper towel in the center, not that they don't turn around during the night, but usually
it works pretty well, that along with a pressure washer. ALL the backdoor chickens and house chickens get named
Chicklette. Saves name-stress, I've never named anything well. I usually borrow, so thanks you guys for all the great ideas!
I name all my hens after roller derby girls I play against, and I name the roosters after announcers and referees. (It feels lovely to cull a roo named after a referee if you have had a bad game lol!) So my current rooster is Big Daddy Voodoo, my hens are Thang 1, Thang 2, SyFy Chanel, White Rushin, Ali Von Hurtin, Rigor Morticia, etcetera. The derby girls know if they get a good hit on me in a game, I will name a hen for them, I think they see it as a badge of honor to be one of Impress IntoYa's named derby hens
Oh man, I LOVE MUPPET!!! What a great name! lol My friend Monique has a silkie roo named Fraggle! Just perfect for a silkie, right?

Fraggle is the name of my EE!! first time reading this(not copying)
I also had a big turkey we named "Turkulese" and he had this really nasty wife,
she must have been jealous, mean all the time, so we named her "Mrs. Peckerhead"

eta: look on my blog for my story about my rabbit "Bunnificent" - he truly was.
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I haven't actually named a chicken this, but the silliest name I can think of is H.E.N. Pronounced a-CHEE-en and with the emphasis on the middle syllable. I did have a cat named C.A.T. and pronounced see-A-tee. No one ever caught on.

D.O.G., dee-OH-gee.
R.A.T. - Uh-RAY-tee.

I think I had better go take my meds, now.
We have two RIR hens whose combs fall in opposite directions, their names are "Flip and Flop". Named by my 11 year old. We have one rooster whose comb lookes like teeth on a saw, his name, "Chain Saw". All our chickens have names that fit.
I've got about 40 assorted birds but only two of them have names. Peahen is a partridgey coloured brown Marsh Daisy and my boyfriend named her for how she looks. Teabag was a runty but cute 8 week old Daisy chick and she did just look like a sad little used and squished out teabag. She turned out absolutely awful looking but she's a good broody and a great mother...
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Jet and Red were named after their colors. Tiramisu looked like a typical spotted Sussex as a chick, which reminded my fiance of layers of Tiramisu cake. X3
Ply (RIP) was short for "Plymouth" so I wouldn't forget what breed she was.
Stormy was named after his bluish colors but was originally called Siren, for blowing our ears out on the ride home as a chick. Loud little brat! LOL
Chai was also named for her coloration. As a chick she looked like a silver Americauna chick, but she definitely outgrew that and became an Easter Egger, silver with red mottling. Now she's gotten dark brown head/neck and golden highlights. Totally a spice-looking bird but she's really sweet.
Amberbock is our funniest bird name. She's an amberlink so we named her after the beer. xD

I also saw mention of a "Shinerbock" here on the forum somewhere so it's not just us!
To make a long story short, I took in an injured black Cochin hen when the
flock she was with scalped her-
She was easy to treat. Very gentle hen. When she was well enough I
turned her loose with the others and watched to see how she would do.
She did fine. As a matter of fact she became the Queen Bee. But that's
not her name........I call her Mrs. Black Bloomers because she looks like one of
those wooden garden cutouts with the lady bending over, showing off her
white frilly bloomers while gardening lol!

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