Strangest and Silliest Chicken Names?

Lets see... I've got a hen named "Bowling Ball", courtesy of my 5yo (thankfully, she turned out to be black!) and a roo named "General Tso" (aka "The General") who used to be known as "Penguin Petunia".



"General" is a MUCH more appropriate name, now that he's not tiny, black and white, and obviously NOT a "Petunia".
boks'n'rose :

Our sweet little Australorp, the first hen we raised by hand - we called Coco. However, she has turned to the dark side and pecks at us now and thinks she is 'supreme ruler'. So she is now known as 'Darth Coco'.

i literally LAUGHED OUT LOUD! its too much, i almost died, darth coco! im literally crying.
we have a top hat who used to be sweet, her name WAS sweetie, but she too has turned to the dark side, shes all pecky and hoity toity now. maybe we should call her darth sweetie.​
I name my Ameraucana Pouncey after watching football and seeing Mike Pouncey (and then his brother Maurkice). I thought it would be a funny chicken name. So, when I got my Iowa Blue I named her Ochocinco (for Chad Ochocinco who played for the Bengals and now plays for New England). My son named his hen, a Buff Brahma Erickson. That's his best friend's name. We told him she was a girl and he said, "We'll call her a boy."
And then we have Bossy. No explanation needed.

My son was in a Star Wars phase when out bantams were born (Japanese-Old English Game crosses) and they are named, Han, Lando, Leia (turned Luke as he is a Roo), Bobba and Jengo.
OK, I'm new to chickens, so here are the really weird names I picked! My four Rhode Island Red hens are Mary Todd Lincoln, Bess Truman, Abigail Adams and Mamie Eisenhower. The Araucona girls are Louisa May Alcott, Emily Bronte, Charlotte Bronte and Pearl Buck. The Araucona Roo is Alfredo ( as in Chicken Alfredo). Then we have the three Silkies, Mozart, Stravinski and Furry Lewis ( if you don't know who Furry is, please Google him!!!!). The three Polish are Cappie, Hattie and Minnie Pearl. Then there are the six Lavender Orpington chicks who are named after my Great Grandmothers back into the 1700's:Sarah Lambert, Rachel Kenney, Mary Singletary, Lucy Gale, Lucy Benson and Harriet McAllister. I have one Maran named Mae West because she has a large bossom and a Wyandotte named Dottie for obvious reasons.
There was some discussion originally about husband wanted Noodle as in Chicken Noodle, but Alfredo was so horrified that I wouldn't let that happen to him. So, Alfredo it least until the noodles are ready!!
All of my chickens have been named after famous(and some not-so-famous) movie stars, mostly from the classic 1920's silents through the 1940's films. And most of them know their names and respond to them. I have tried to name them appropriate to their country of origin, whenever possible. IMDB is a great resource for names!
I have two brahma hens that we named Thelma and Louise. And they ARE escape artists!!
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Most of my chickens have some funny names, but with the help of my two daughters and my DH that isn't hard

My hens are: Zimby (my 5 year old daughter named her), Peanutbutter, Tetra (told my DH I got a TetraTint thought it was a fish
), Willow, LollyPop aka Lolly (Naked Neck), Zippy (was fastest chick in the TSC bin), Squeakers, Chickie, Toasted Marshmallow, Olga, and Mini Chicken (Modern Game Bantam)
My rooster is: Krull (hubby named him and he is a big blue cochin)
Currently in the brooder is: BeeBoop, Koosh, Pickles (the drummer), Butters, Aglet (daughters named it after Phineas and Ferb song), Puffy (Sultan), Mikey, Perdue & Tyson (both Cornish), Finch (OEGB), Smee, NoNots (2 year old named), Mocha, Andorian (silkie with aqua skin), Tribble (partridge silkie), Buzzard aka Buzzy, and Emo (Mottled Houdan).

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