Strangest and Silliest Chicken Names?

Our Blue Splash Silkie pair are Ozzie & Harriet. My son named one chick we bought- Tater Salad, because he came home in, you guessed it- a Potato Salad box..
We're a bit pun-nutty here.

Say hello to Napoleon Blownaparte:


And Grumpus Minimus:


Our bantam frizz cochin, Pepper. The other one is named Blessyou. Our regular Silkie is Fooz(y).


Our Splash Rooster, i.e. Big Blue Fancypants:


One of the frizzle chicks, Flip:


Stock & Holmes - the two ducks who grew up thinking they were chickens since they were all together in the brooder:

This is Tufus. She was born with a crossed-beak and only one eye. We looked at her and either my wife or I said Lord ! This chicken is Too Ugly For US". Thus, Tufus. She is 2 1/2 years old now and the sweetest, friendliest chicken you could ever want. And a great layer too ! Oh. She doesn't like pictures taken of her "bad" side, the one without an eye. That can make her cranky.

My 4 year old has named our 28 chickens. One of them had a fascination for eye pecking when she was a chick and my DD wanted to call her "little pecker". I just couldn't see going out into the yard and hollering for her, so I had her select a different name. She opted for vidia (the mean fairy in the tinkerbell series). She has named some of the others "gigi" "bubbles" "mabeline" (who she calls mables).
my brother came up with 2 great names for two of my hens, Tyrone and Gimbles. i love those two names!!! we are strange people, we have a female cat named bobby, her full name is BobbySue, my puppies show dog name is Vander VanDarrel, my dad likes hillybilly names, my brother likes opposite gender type of names, i just go along with it because its funny, also i have hens named butters, suguh, sweety pete, and stuff like that.
A lady at work said her rooster was named "Punky Rooster" (if any of you remember the show punky brewster)

mine are:

(the 3 chip-ettes, they had chipmunk markings as chicks)
Layla (from the blood brothers nora roberts novels i was reading)
and Smokey who was perched on wood that was in the burn pile,... and it was on fire.

my roo is named noodle or Noodle roo i have no idea why, it's just what I started calling him.

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