Strangest pet you or someone you know has owned?

The guy I had gotten some of my adult ewe sheep from has an artic fox (the white ones). He has dogs, cats, birds of all kinds, sheep, horses, even goats and the fox has never been a problem with any of them. It was very friendly and loved to be petted. It also loved to tunnel...most of the time the fox was out walking around the yard with the dogs which would go in and out of the chicken coops. He said he has never lost a bird to the fox (let alone any other animal to the fox).....
It thought it was neat....
He also has an adult doe that he raised since she was a fawn. The mother deer was hit by a car and killed. This doe has free run of the farm and has had fawns that are now running the farm too....
We raise alot of different animals from alpacas to zebra, but alot of people think our African Porcupines are the strangest!


4 Horn sheep & suri alpacas in full wool get some looks too.


My favorite:


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We've had a lot during my lifetime but I guess my personal strange pets were the 3 aligators. Harvey, Homer and Clyde. Homer grew to be about 3 ft long and slept curled up in my long hair when I was in high school. My sister hated him and he didn't care for her much either (would hiss and bark at her) so when I had something I didn't want her to have I would put it in his pen.

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