straw for chicks


In the Brooder
Feb 6, 2017
salisbury nc
is it ok to use straw in chick brooder they 2 weeks old and the chicks are flying-ish around hiting each other is it peck order or should i stop em
Chest bumping/challenging each other and "fighting" is normal behavior - part of it is early attempts at establishing the social order, but it is also just what young animals do as they test out their new abilities, explore the world and those around them, etc. How many chicks are you brooding and what are the dimensions of your brooder? Sometimes behavior that is normal can become intensified if environmental factors (ie feeling cramped, competitive for resources, bored) are not optimal.
As to the use of straw - there is no reason that you can't use it - though I, personally, have straw at the bottom of my list of desired bedding materiel in my coops/brooders. There is *some* concern that straw can provide a good home for parasites to take up residence, but even when I have used straw I have not encountered that as an issue.
I used straw with my surprise Christmas chick with great success. I didn't have more than a few handfuls of shavings at my disposal when I discovered that I had a chick. That little bit of shavings and some straw in my brooder worked great. I am no where near an expert on brooding, but I feel that if you keep what ever you use reasonably clean and dry, you should not have any issues. If the chicks get feisty and get the bedding wet, it needs to be changed. I have read that you should not use shredded paper or really fine shavings as the chicks may end up eating them.
is it ok to use straw in chick brooder they 2 weeks old and the chicks are flying-ish around hiting each other is it peck order or should i stop em
They have developed their flight feathers. They are playing.

ok and i only got 5 chicks and its a blue tote box 3ft by 1.5 ft
By the time my chicks have their flight feathers, I like to give them 2 s.f./bird to give them room to play and develop their muscles.

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