Stray chicken. She's a beauty! Need opinions.

OMG I'm so excited this is great I love that Gretel! I'm so happy your doing better just like Gretel found a loving home I think you will build the same for your wonderful family! I'm very very very happy for you!
Awwwwe! I have been lurking for a LONG time here! Soooo happy about this story! I actually had dreams that I found stray chickens a few times after reading this! :)

Sorry for your personal struggles right now.... *hugs*
Yeah. I don't want her to get hurt now that her wing is clipped. I need to find something that can be closed up at night. Off the ground for her and the babies. But the ex did that sort of thing. So it probably won't be pretty. Lol
Cool! We plan to use a dog kennel if we ever get lucky enough to have a broody! Our oldest are not quite 14 weeks so we have a while unfortunately. So gladyou gave this girl a safe place to live! Not many people would have made it their "problem".
Dog crate and dog houses are awesome look on craigslist. it doesn't have to be pretty just functional, but dog crates or house are easy to make nice.
yay I'm so happy you got a hatch from gretel. we're they the eggs you guys put under her and what kind were they? and how did you catch gretel I thought you would never get her. was she mad when you did lol

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