Stray peahen in my yard


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 3, 2010
Oregon coast
So for the last 4 days this peahen has been hanging out at my house, and I know nothing about them. No one in the area seems to know who it belongs to. I'm just wondering what I should do with it. Should I feed it? She seems hungry always under the birdfeeder pecking around, then roams over the whole yard. I posted a "found ad" on craigslist also.

Had to put in a picture of her.
If you were wondering, she's an India Blue female.

For temporary solution, you can offer cat food, it's good for them.. ok to set out a bowl of chicken feed, if you have chickens, for her.. Best not to leave a bowl full outside through the night as that can attract undesirables such as possums, rats, or worse, raccoons which are very dangerous to all poultry.
Hold out for someone to put up a notice somewhere nearby. I know my peacocks have "escaped" to roam before and I was so glad to get them back when someone saw my note at a nearby store. I'd be afraid someone from Craigslist might fake ownership.... You might just want to feed her and let her rest a few days, it's nesting season and she may be exploring new territories to see what good sites (like yours!) are available. If she starts calling, you'll find you have a male... also from somewhere unknown.....
Well it's been two days now and she hasn't been here, so I am hoping that means she is back with her owner. I had to take down the bird feeder because something was getting into it at night and spilling all the seed all over the ground, completely empty. It worries me that it was a raccoon! Now I miss having her wandering my yard!

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