Stressed out chick


Apr 1, 2015
Central Virginia
One of my dorking chicks, about 7 weeks old, jumped into the pen with some older chicks and got her head pecked. I seperated her and after a little research on the site i got some pine tar for it. I was hoping for blue kote but the store didnt have any. Unfortunately it didnt really stop her other dorking gal pals from pecking her head. I think one of them actually likes it. She is a little weird anyway. So i had to seperate her again. She can see the other dorkings ( the older girls have since gone out to the coop) but now she is starting to not eat or drink. She just sits there with her head tucked in, not doing anything. I tried to get some water in her with a dropper but she wasnt real interested. The wound on her head isnt even that bad, smaller than an eraser on a pencil. I feel like she is stressed out from being seperated. I put one of the chicks in with her hoping she wont get pecked too bad but will get some companionship. Is there anything else i can do? Thanks
Maybe a teddy bear?

How are her poops?

If she's lethargic and not eating or drinking, I might consider running a round of Corid through their water to treat for Coccidiosis, since stress can cause illness to take hold. It's available at most feed stores in a 20% powder or 9.6% liquid form.

1.5 teaspoons of the 20% powder per gallon
2 teaspoons of the 9.6% liquid per gallon.

Treat for 5-7 days, and make sure it's the ONLY water your chick(s) can access during that time.

It's super gentle and will not bother her in the least. If you have chick vitamins, give her a few days of that after the Corid is done to boost her Vitamin B levels. (Yes, it says Corid is for cattle and goats, but you can use it in chickens, too.)

Keep us posted!

I checked on her after my post and noticed her poops were rather bloody so i went and got some corid. She wasnt drinking any more so tried to get some in her with a dropper. I got her to drink a few drops but not much. We repeated this a couple more times during the day and she was weaker each time. Its strange because she was acting fine yesterday. I just went down to check on her and she is dead. I dosed the other chicks water with the corid. They were minimally exposed to her today and yesterday. I am sad and scared for the rest of my girls.
I am so very sorry to hear of your loss.
Coccidiosis is no joke and can decimate a brood of chicks within days if not treated in time.

I can only hope the others remain unaffected.

Keep us posted.

We are coming into day four of the prophylaxtic treatment of the other four dorkings. They are acting fine. Poops are nice and firm. In fact Sassypants just let one roll down my back because she she makes a bee-line for my shoulder whenever she gets a chance. It bounced right off. She is a little bit strange.
We are coming into day four of the prophylaxtic treatment of the other four dorkings. They are acting fine. Poops are nice and firm. In fact Sassypants just let one roll down my back because she she makes a bee-line for my shoulder whenever she gets a chance. It bounced right off. She is a little bit strange.

I am happy to hear this.... Including the fact that you got pooped on! Great news! :D


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