Stuck in a stereotype?


Recipient of The Biff Twang
10 Years
Mar 14, 2009
I have a couple friends online here, and offline as well. I find it amusing the stereotype I am cast in. The hard drinking, overall wearing, butt kicking hillbilly. In reality very little of that is true, I am just a down to earth guy who's opinionated and often times gets stuck in a bad situation because of my mouth.

My wife? Of course I married a woman about a hundred times smarter than me, so everyone comes to her for answers, and most of the time she's holding her hands up saying I dunno...why me? She's the problem solver with words and the worlds best peace maker.. yet she's stuck with this perception she's a total brain.. nobody see's the tender heart beneath the 20$ words and intellect that's sharp enough to slice through steel.

What false perceptions or stereotypes to you folks live with? I am curious because this thought came to me from another thread and I'm curious how folks handle it. Do you try to live up to it? Change it? Ignore it?

Curiosity killed the cat... satisfaction brought him back...
Kelly (mrs boyd) is beautiful and brilliant, with the ability to handle your insanity.
You're deeper than you let on, but you throughly enjoyed your last fist fight too. On the other hand we discussed random poetry today and that would surprise many people. But you know when to play up the hillbilly vibe for your advantage.

Me? Jeez, no one looks beyond the oversized bra and wheelchair to find out anymore, but I also know when to slap a smile on, listen carefully and gently close a sale price with the fool grinning as he walks away.
Its human nature to figure out things they dont understand, however its all to often easier to make up something or classify things then actually to get in the other persons shoes and see what its really like. Plus people also tend to really follow the crowd, so big popular media portrayals often stick and stick hard. Combining those two causes people to fall into the behaviour of stereotyping others who are different from them into a class they are familier with. Many people try and often too hard to fit in with the crowd, some get angry, and others just dont care.

Personally I just dont care what others think, I just do and be who makes me happy and take pride in that, if they refuse to see what I'm actually like its their problem. Dont let other peoples issues and inability to understand get in your way. PEople cant get over the fact I keep creepy things and am a little odd and dark, I'm actually probably one of the nicest and well rounded and fair people out there so I know exactly what your talking about. Some people just stop at the stereotype and dont move on from there.
I'm the huntin', trappin', fishin', farmin' (though I don't actually "farm"), overall wearin', country girl. I'll clean a deer or a mess of fish then turn around and cook dinner. Yea, I play in the dirt. So what?

Part of the stereotype is that I seem to intimidate some men, though I think they're just scared I'll tag a bigger buck than they will.
Roo mom... you MUST change that avatar.. i have been finding myself strangely attracted to you lately....
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Was at Big R yesterday, my BF was trying to find a nice bow for me, the archery guy seemed very suprized I could pull back one at 50lbs (I'm pretty tiny, and female).
IDK if you'd call it a stereotype but I HATE it when people call me spoiled.

I notice that as I get older it bothers me more. I do not try to feed into this stereotype. I just got into a huge arguement with my mother because she said I was spoiled.
I see you as competant, is ways I am not, and you're wickedly playful.

Auntie Saddi.... And I see you as someone who sheds light on things I cannot make sense of, pointing out perspectives I cannot see, and a person of astounding beauty much deeper than superficial apperences.
Roo mom... you MUST change that avatar.. i have been finding myself strangely attracted to you lately....

ya....... me too.........

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