Stupid chicken, stupid goat


Chicken Ambassador
10 Years
Jan 26, 2009
Bagshot Row
I went to gather eggs because it's hot and I don't want egg surprise for breakfast. As I'm gathering the eggs, one white leghorn makes a break for freedom. Stupid chicken. So I grabbed the evil leaf rake. Dangbird (her new name) flew over the rake and into the driveway. I chased her back toward the coop, where she dove under the hedge that lines their run.

I went back out with the evil leaf rake and she's looking mournfully into the run. "Hey, lemme in!"

But she won't come out. ARG. Stupid chicken.

In the process I leaned the leaf rake against the goat fence. Stupid goat ATE THE FOAM HANDLE.


She'll have to wait until nearly dusk when we let the rest of them range.
That's why I am a fan of big fat slow old chickens that look like "Ma Kettle". A bunch of my hatchies are escaping now and driving me nuts.

My goat grabbed a bunch of flowers out of my hands yesterday and started munching away, I wasn't happy either.
Guess who DOESN'T get treats tonight, girls. Yes, Dangbird needs a new name. Jailbird. Life is funny. You couldn't dream it up and be this funny. Sorry about the rake. It's been bemunched.
Oh, I threw a ton of scratch in the run and she had to watch from the outside.

She went back in after we let them range at the end of the day.

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