stupid neighbor

way i see it a stray wondering rooster is fair game, but to take a roo from a coop or its own me thats a baseball bat offence! cant stand thieves
I would also suggest surveillence cameras. Hidden ones. So if one of your chickens just happens to "wander" into thier yard again, thru a six foot padlocked coop, you'll have proof. Sounds to me like they stole them. I would also report it. That way, if they get any ideas again about eating a wandering rooster that they know is yours but it walked into thier back yard by its poor little self<yeah, right> you'll have a record.

This is the concern to me
they broke into a secure coop and stole your property
they did damage to your property and stole and killed a pet rooster
if they are willing to break in and steal from you
I would not think your property is safe
I would not think your animals are safe
and I worry that you might not even be safe
I would call the cops to report it
I would call the spca to report that someone broke into your coop and killed your rooster and ate him
I would find out what the laws are, is it cruelty to animals if they steal and kill your pet?
and these are not folks I would have work on my house
Do you have a dog that can make them think twice about entering your property? If not the hidden camera would be even better. They can't deny that kind of evidence.
Well I understand letting bygones be bygones, but you also don't want to teach these people that they can just walk all over you!

They destroyed your property, stole livestock, and killed and ate it - file a police report! And let them know that this is not acceptable to you. Otherwise, I fear that they will see you as an easy target.
The wondered into my yard story really is a excuse, we have 16 cats between my two nieghbors houses, if they just so happend to wonder into my yard does it make it ok to eat them? calling animal control is one thing but eating them is so wrong! like they didn't realise you had roosters!
me and these guys have a "history" and and if i start sending people to jail..... well down here in south city i could end up with a bigger problem then this with all the people who live near me. we did call the cops cause it was just to many people at this house to confront with out it turning bad (i didn't press any charges). the guys gave up the rooster apologized the oldest grandfather of the family explained to me that his grandsons are stupid and will be punished for this transgression. also i trust them allot more then any of the contractors that have worked for me and then became magicians after getting payed only a part of their pay also they do some relay good its hard to gut a house put in windows, floors, lights, drywall make furniture, and every thing in between when its just you two lazy brothers and your father (who is amazing at working with building with almost no experience). but i probably wont employ them anymore because of this any way.

p.s. that family is new to the country so they relay don't understand what is and is not socially correct in america i remember when i was in their position it can be hard
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Bad neighbors suck! Sorry to hear about your problems. If you live in the St. Louis City limits (like me) tread carefully if you involve the police. Roosters aren't allowed. Whoever broke into your coop certainly broke the law but reporting it may bring you under closer scrutiny. Good luck!

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