stupid neighbor

I am sorry for your troubles but I just had to say one thing.. Please do NOT get a pit bull. They have enough of a bad rep as it is without being used as 'gaurd dogs' against ignorant and dangerous neighbors. In fact.. Don't get ANY dog. I can just see the poor dog being poisoned by your neighbors and I think there are better options out there.

I would look into some sort of electric fencing or something that doesn't put anymore live animals in danger.
I am from St. Louis too, so I am glad you called the police (Carondelet).

22 is not kids and I agree they should fix the coop.
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thanks everyone for your comment and concerns hopefully everything will be oK from this point on im just glad i have my piece back
Just a little tip for you since you mentioned getting dogs.. and have known thieves around.

Pitbulls are the #1 stolen breed.

I notice you listed breeds known to be used frequently for protection and/or guarding, etc.. or perhaps ones you assumed to be naturally defensive... ANY breed will require training.. You could get all three breeds and end up with gentle face licking lap dogs if not trained properly.
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Chesapeke bay retrievers are good dogs but need attention . If you dont keep them occupied they will find something to do. Oh and they are kind of smelly, its the naturally oily coat that allows them to go into cold water.
Personally I would keep a gun handy or in my case a bat, golf club,and bear mace since I am not permitted a gun!

People who drink together like these boys do will egg each other on,and may do more than break into a coop next time.Sorry about your roo.Aren't dobi's a good breed too? I just have a mini dobi ,and it's like he thinks he's a great dane the way he hops around and barks!
I would suggest one puppy at a time, easier to train them, we did 3 months apart and that worked as one had the basics down.

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