STUPID question on egglaying?


13 Years
Feb 12, 2009
I have to ask :

When I read about members who have multiple chickens in coop and they know who layed what. I always seem to say HUH! How do you know who lays what? I have no idea who lays what? Isnt that time consuming. I just knew when everyone was laying when I got 8 eggs in one day. My Orps lay their eggs sometime between 7am- 5PM.

A whould like to know who lays what with my Salmon Faverolles. They are all different colored and I haved named them.

The Black Giant Jersey cant tell them apart except "T" who is a Roo (T is short of T-Rex because he runs like one. They havent started laying yet.(theres only 3 girls)

I also cant tell the difference in my 2 German Spitzhauben except for the Roo.

Come on I know their are some more of you newbies out there like me.

Whats crazy is that I studied care of and read alot over a period of 6 weeks before i put in my order. I just cant tell the difference.
Oh don't cry!
I am not a newbie and I can't tell you who layed which egg either! I can narrow it down, if its green it was one of the EEs if its small, more round and light it was my silkie if its small and a little more oblong it was my cochin. My young birds eggs are still pretty small but they are dark, other than that I really have no idea.

However I am only getting about 8 eggs from 20 girls right now.
So I need to stand around around and see who isn't doing their job!!
Just kidding, I wouldn't lay an egg in this heat either!

So don't feel bad, you aren't the only one who doesn't know who did what when!!
well, some people have different breeds and so the eggs are different and they can tell that way (I do) and others spend wayyy to much time with their chickens (like me); so I know Roy lays an xlarge olive green egg. Fancy pants lays a light green egg with thin shells, Goldilocks lays a large light brown egg etc. . . you just learn who is laying what by finding them cackling next to it.
If all your girls lay the same shape and color you really won't know.
By being a chicken nerd, that's how.

I know who lays what because I've watched them lay. If I went up to check for eggs and someone was in the nesting box, I'd sit and wait. So I know the small,round pale brown egg comes from my brahma. My Orp lays a more elongated light brown egg. My RIR always has little white speckles on her eggs. The green and white ones are easy, they are the only ones who lay green (EE) and white (buttercup) eggs.

I do have all different breeds though, so maybe that helps. I know someone mentioned painting their chickens toenails to tell them apart. (not red though)
It's really easy for us - we only have two (out of 4) laying at the moment. One hen won't lay in the nesting box - and her eggs are a little smaller - the other almost always lays in the nesting box and her eggs are a little bigger.
Our two pullets could start laying anytime - and they will lay the same color eggs as the hens. So it might be harder to tell what came from whom once all 4 are laying.
I just dont have time to watch my chickens lay and egg. I got bored trying to figure out what kinda egg Crackie laid (shes my crooked broken orp) I got bored after waiting for 15 mins and thought I got better things to do. Do you really sit and like watch.
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Honestly, when they started laying it was so exciting, that yes I did sit and wait.

Now that I know who's egg is who's, I don't anymore. But the plus is I know who has laid and who has not.

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