STUPID ROOSTERS!!!!! Please Advise

You need to show him who's boss. Get ahold of him and force him to the ground firmly until he stops struggling. It seems hard when you are facing a roo in attack mode, you can do it though. Just wear a coat and some leather gloves if you want, do a quick 3 count and attack! This may need to be repeated once in awhile but it has worked in the past for aggressive Roos. What ever you do not turn your back and retreat or he will get even worse. The stick idea is also good, it will at least keep him away!
I am just going to have to do it! He crows loudly after he has done it and I walk away ...... like he won the battle..........ugh!
I have a cocky little runt too. He is about 8 months and I have launched him a few times mostly out of reaction of being attacked. He is going to have to go though. Neighbors come visit and the twin 3 yr olds are starting to bother him...not good.

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