Sub cutaneously injected with tylan, looks quite pink and puffy at injection site


Jul 8, 2020
Need immediate help please.

First time injecting antibiotics. I just went to do it for the next dose and see there is a fluid collection under the skin and some puffiness. I don’t think it’s infected but could be wrong but it does seem like the fluid has just collected there as that part of her neck skin looks taut and pink. Has this happened to anyone else when injecting chickens? It didn’t look that way this morning. I’m so upset. Please give me some feedback ASAP.
we did use alcohol and clean new needles
If your chicken has a respiratory virus, antibiotics may not help. Tylan may help treat symptoms of mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG.)
Agree. It's also possible that if it is a bacterial infection that the Tylan is not effective on that bacteria. For example, is it's E. coli or pseudomonas aeruginosa, Tylan will not treat it.

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