Submit Your Chicken Page For The Picture Of The Week (POW)

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Sleeping On The Job! Or maybe just a little sister chat! Whatever the case may be, they are calm, clean, coddled chickens. Today topped out at 106 degrees figuring the heat index! Frozen cucumbers, frozen bread, and fresh tomatoes from a day of canning. Naps in the "hinterlands" of the yard, and pre-roosting in an hour. Gee ... if only I had that sort of treatment ...
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Hope you like it!

Born 7-5-15. Ordered through "" / flock includes 3 golden Compine, 2 Speckled Sussex, 2 Buff Orpington, 2 Rhode Island Red and one Dominique. They are all well behaved. My goal was to have a few almost daily layers, a few 3 days a week, a rooster in case I want to BREED some in a couple years. And of course to become a good handler.
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Here is a picture of my 16 week old EE and Blue Ameraucana mixed Rooster. He is super sassy and thinks he is the boss until the girls get tired of his cockiness and put his in his place. He has big attitude and a teenage broken crow which is just hilarious to us.
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