Submit Your Chicken Page For The Picture Of The Week (POW)

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That is an adorable pic! @aart will have to put it on a chicken page though… <hint….hint>
For you all that are submitting pages and pics… some pointers that will help you get your pic featured:

- Ideally pics need to be wider than they are tall. We need to resize the pics to fit onto the carousel and if they are taller than they are wide, it's very difficult to get them to the right dimensions.
- If possible, upload pics in a decent file size, again for resizing and if possible select pics that can be cropped some, without messing up the image.
- Look at the bottom of the photo and how it will fit behind the text banner that goes over the over the pics…

I've seen some really wonderful photos on the pages that just would not work on the banner, not for lack of trying!
Yes! Can you tell us a bit about peek-a-boo? Gosh, that pic makes me smile
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