Submit Your Chicken Page For The Picture Of The Week (POW)

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UPDATE: My Tweedy went on a laying spree. She laid an egg for each and every day in February - bar none. Sadly though, on the 28th, after she laid her last egg - my poor baby started to do the BIG brood. It was like she timed it all. Now I have a big fat butterball who I am trying to break her of her futile attempts to incubate an egg we already took, fried and ate. I CANNOT LOOK HER IN THE EYES NOW!!! How do I get over the guilt?
UPDATE:  My Tweedy went on a laying spree.  She laid an egg for each and every day in February - bar none.  Sadly though, on the 28th, after she laid her last egg - my poor baby started to do the BIG brood.  It was like she timed it all.  Now I have a big fat butterball who I am trying to break her of her futile attempts to incubate an egg we already took, fried and ate. I CANNOT LOOK HER IN THE EYES NOW!!!  How do I get over the guilt?

Get over the guilt by giving her more eggs! Simple. :gig
If I receive a single fertilized egg - I will hang myself and it will be on YOUR pretty head! I am already too full of angst with ONE girl. Another will kill me and a rooster will kill my husband who has no interest in any of this! Just a friendly warning.
If I receive a single fertilized egg - I will hang myself and it will be on YOUR pretty head!  I am already too full of angst with ONE girl.  Another will kill me and a rooster will kill my husband who has no interest in any of this!  Just a friendly warning.  :he

Do you mean to tell me you only have one chicken?!? GASP. She needs a buddy! ;) Welcome to the enabling club. Lol
I was thinking more of something that might suggest you refrain from suggesting sending fertile eggs, giving back the eggs in my fridge, or any other fun suggestions. As for my lonely little brooder, she is a family member.. and AN ONLY CHILD. She stays with her mama. Do you like fireworks by any chance?
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