Submit your favorite pumpkin recipes here!

Thanks for that TammyTX! I'm ashamed to say it, but I've never tried making a fresh pumpkin pie before.
I'm all about pumpkins as I am a Halloween baby (I even thought the holiday was my own personal one growing up!), but was ruined by a lady that my dad was dating when I was little. She made homemade / fresh pumpkin pies for dessert and didn't scoop out all of the stringy stuff.
It was absolutely terrible! Ever since then, I have never wanted to try my own.
I love pumpkin, I may just have to put some pumpkin bread in the machine later. This is my favorite Pumpkin Cheesecake. I only make it once a year its so decadent. I add a little brown sugar to the crust and a teaspoon of amaretto flavoring to the filling. Ive just told you my secret ingredient so dont tell anyone.

Pumpkin Cheesecake
ps, it takes a large spring form pan and even then I usually leave a little out.
Anyways.... I love Pumpkin Whoopie pies...and I can't make them due to NO PUMPKIN.. ugh... Also I found a fabulous

Can I please get your whoopie pie recipe?
Pumpkin or chocolate!​
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Sure... Its so easy and so good...Enjoy.. and Let me know how you like them.

These are what I would sell at the chickstock shows in NH...

Pumpkin Whoopie Pies

Cake Part:
1/2 can of pumpkin
1/3 C softened unsalted butter
2 eggs
1 package spice cake mix
1/2 C milk
Parchment paper for lining the baking sheet

In a large bowl, beat pumpkin and butter until smooth. Add spice cake mix, eggs, milk, and beat at a low speed until combined for 1 minute. Use a spoon or mini ice cream scoop to ladle batter, about 3 inches apart on a lined cookie sheet. Bake at 375 until lightly browned around the edges (about 15 minutes). Cool the cakes on the parchment paper so they do not become sticky.

Middle Filling:
1/2 C softened unsalted butter (you could get away with using less if you must)
8oz package cream cheese, softened
2 cups sifted powdered sugar
1/2 of a 7oz jar marsmallow creme (you can use fluff if you don't have creme. Just 'melt' it in the microwave for a few seconds first to thicken it)
1/4 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg

Mix dry ingredients in small bowl. In mixing bowl, beat butter until smooth, add cream cheese and marshmallow creme and continue beating. Add dry ingredients, a little at a time, mixing until smooth. The longer you mix it the more fluffy you will get. I suggest 5 minutes minimum.

Spread filling on the flat half of one cake, and top with another cake to make a sandwich.

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