Sudden Death [Update] - Coughing and Heavy Breathing

Good News!: Mouse had a good night. She slept in her usual spot, got up to eat and drink and then was ready to come out this morning and forage with the flock. She ate her breakfast enthusiastically and seemed much more herself. Phew. We were really worried last night. Everyone else seems great.

Our vet is getting pyrimethamine for us today, which we will combine with folic acid and a trimethoprim/sulfa based on an experimental case study we found. This will not be inexpensive, but...hey...what are you going to do, right?

We'll keep you posted.
Did your vet discuss where most of the parasites are coming from? It seems like an odd infection. Is it a geographical based thing?
Did your vet discuss where most of the parasites are coming from? It seems like an odd infection. Is it a geographical based thing?
Leucocytozoon is an avian blood parasite transmitted by black flies. It usually affects younger birds (I think that has to do with feather coverage). Our understanding is that the state vet and our vet have not seen a lot (any?) of it locally, but we did have a worse than normal black fly season this year.
I understand blk flies pretty bad up into Maine and other regions around.

So happy to hear mouse had a good night and is her happy self today.
They can be, but not usually on the coast where we are. Go fifteen minutes inland, and they can be unbearable! Having said this, we did have a worse than normal black fly season this year even at the coast. Still, Piglet had very nice feathers. It's all just so strange. It will be good to get the results back from the State. Thanks so much for your continued support!
Good News: Piglet's avian influenza swab came back negative. We'll have the rest of his tests back tomorrow or Friday. Hopefully we can confirm leucocytozoonosis was the underlying issue that caused his death. We're still waiting for the pharmacy to get us the pyrimethamine.

Mouse continues to do well this morning! :)
That's a welcomed relief. :hugs

Will you only be treating once they show symptoms or all just in case?

Glad to hear Mouse is still going strong. :woot

We are still trying to decide if we are going to treat everyone, test everyone and just treat those with the parasite or just treat Mouse. Hopefully our vet will provide some guidance on this when we get the pyrimethamine.
The histology reports for Piglet came back Sunday. Here they are:

Lung: multifocal to coalescing interstitial pale eosinophilic, broad short hyaline-lie forms (like short hyphae) with heterophilic inflammation; moderate postmortem change

Liver: Severe extensive freezing artifact and PM change; moderate to severe extensive chronic-active inflammation

Kidney: extensive severe intertubular chronic-active inflammation with multifocal to coalescing moderate tubular necrosis; PM change

Testis: extensive moderate interstitial edema; moderate PM change, active spermatogenesis

Heart: NAF


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