Sudden Death [Update] - Coughing and Heavy Breathing

Our local vet (who is awesome!) called us yesterday, and she said she would like us to bring Mouse back in for some bloodwork. While Mouse is acting herself again for the most part (and laying beautiful eggs!), there is growing concern that Leucocytozoonosis may be the underlying issue and the cause of death of Piglet.


Today we confirmed that Mouse is slightly anemic (those of you who follow Coffee with Ducks may have noticed some lightening of her bill). We also think we confirmed an infection with a Leucocytozoon spp, which is a blood parasite transmitted by black flies and biting midges. Our vet feels confident now in saying this was the underlying cause of death for Piglet, but we won't have full results from the necropsy back from the state until late next week.

So the good news is we are cautiously optimistic that we are not dealing with the worst case scenario (avian influenza), but the path forward with Leucocytozoonosis may be very challenging. We're taking the weekend to get our ducks in a row (see what I did there?!) and then we'll touch base with our vet again Monday. She's pulled some case studies and experimental treatments for us to consider.

Thanks again for all your helpful suggestion and wonderful support.
Unfortunately Mouse took a turn for the worse this evening after having several good days. It's scary how fast this appears to affect birds--she was great this morning. She's resting comfortably now, but after consulting with our vet again today, we're going to start compounded anti-parasitic medication this week.

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