Sudden death


Aug 22, 2023
So I have a mean rooster, I put him in my rooster flock and he started fighting with my cream legbar roo. The cream legbar won but then the cream legbar fell over started shaking and died. Is this normal with roosters? Or is it the cream legbar breed?
Most likely had a heart defect. You can see this is rare breeds that have been inbred.
Legbars are decently interbred, so I agree with some sort of heart defect. My own legbar has some sort of internal issues because of genetics as well sadly. It sucks for such an amazing breed to be so fragile due to how they were bred.
Yes it's really upsetting the one he was fighting is a cream legbar aswell, the one that died probably was just weaker. But at least he felt no pain he died quickly.

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