Sudden weather change for 7 week old chickens


5 Years
Apr 15, 2014
Looking for a recommendation. It has been 75-80 degrees during the day here and I just moved the pullets outside at 6/7 weeks. It's supposed to be 30 degrees tonight and tomorrow night. Do they need a heatlamp or will they be ok???
Looking for a recommendation. It has been 75-80 degrees during the day here and I just moved the pullets outside at 6/7 weeks. It's supposed to be 30 degrees tonight and tomorrow night. Do they need a heatlamp or will they be ok???

I've often read that they can handle cold at 6 weeks. They will huddle together to keep warm. But I will keep a small amount of heat for them until 8 weeks. By small I mean a 60 watt bulb which doesn't give much heat but a lot of comfort to the chicks.
We got a cold front down here last night and it got down to the 30s. My little guys did just fine. They range from 3-10 weeks. I did have a heat lamp on them so I don't know how well they would have done without one.
If you have at least ten chicks at seven weeks of age and feathered out and in a closed in area without drafts and in the thirties they should be fine but a heat source would be better for them ..

The drafts are worse then the straight cold ....

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