Suddenly aggressive rooster - Please help

Aug 25, 2023
Priceville, AL
My Coop
My Coop
So I have had my silkie rooster since April, and he hatched in March. He's always been so sweet for me, letting me pick him up and take him for walks.
Today he bit a visiting friend, and tried to attack me. This is the most aggressive he's ever been, and it just happened so quickly. I am not going to slaughter him, and I don't want to give him away. What can I do to help this? He's so aggressive he tried to fight a waterer.
Any answers will be appreciated.
Did he also attack the waterer today? What was the friend doing while he attacked them, and what were you doing when the same thing happened?
The friend was just trying to pet him, and then he went on a little rampage attacking everyone. I was trying to pick him up to chill him out, and then he pecked at my chin. Yes, he did attack the waterer today. I just don't get why he is suddenly trying to attack everyone.
Has he seen the friend before? Where was he located when it all happened? Where were his females? Did the friend interact with the females at all?
No, the friend was just trying to pet him. He had definitely seen her before, and even let her hold him one time. In the run is where it happened, and the females were like 2 feet away.
He's growing up, probably into the rooster he'll turn out to be. Cockerel's who seem 'friendly' are often bold, and as their hormones kick in, have no respect for humans, and decide to take everyone on. Can you fix it? Often not, and having friends involved puts them at risk. If you have young children, or visiting children, he's definitely a danger to them.
There are all sorts of methods described on this site concerning 'rooster reformation', and we've tried most of them, and failed.

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