Sugar Feather Farms

They are actually really close to me. I was going to drive to them to pick up there they are so close.

I got the opposite vibe from them. They are super small, and are doing everything small scale. I am guessing that is why their prices are so high, but it seems like they are out of a lot of people's price range.

I haven't ever gotten inventory from them, but folks in Vermont in general are obsessed with quality. I personally would be willing to try (if I could afford it more easily).
I know from almost picking up there that they don't let people near the birds, but people are obviously on the premises if they do pickup at all.

I get a mixed vibe from them, too, but I don't think they are as bad as some people were saying. I think they could make a customer happy.

If you do end up getting eggs from them, you could write about your experience. I'll do the same if we ever get silkie eggs from them like we were thinking of.

I'll hope for the best :)
Their chickens we recieved were positive for mycroplasma... so there's that
@EverythingDucks didn't you look at someplace like this at one point?

Honestly, I'm not a fan of their website at all, but that's just me. lol They seem to only have trendy birds they could see selling to make money. This probably means they are producing for quantity and not quality.
I personally wouldn't order from someone that allows visitors on their farm.

Just from reading over their FAQs, it looks like they cater to the Instagram chicken people. It would be a no from me.
Completely no, or do you think eggs might be okay then? I know it's not too different than live birds, but figured I'd ask

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