Suggestions PLEASE for Human Morning Sickness-UPDATE #56

LOL - this is so funny, but it is really true -- my second (full) pregnancy went ever so much better than my first, barfing-wise, because I finally figured out that rather than spending all day trying not to, I could just get it over with and be GUARANTEED of feeling better for at least a few hrs

Like some of the others I had all day all pregnancy morning sickness! I add my vote for saltless crackers left on the bedside before even sitting up the first time! (You should have heard the earful DH got when he had the nerve to complain about the crumbs!!

I also discovered as the baby got bigger that the baby responded to music and music that calmed thew baby helped stop the tummy kicking that aggravated the nausea. Oddly, DD1 liked music I did not! How weird is that?!?!

Thanks for the note PC and I do believe that if men got PG you'd get to lay around the entire nine months and then get two years off from work to feed and recover.
I have WHAT in my yard? :

I do believe that if men got PG you'd get to lay around the entire nine months and then get two years off from work to feed and recover.

So true!
DH rarely gets sick, but when he gets so much as a sniffle, he's bedridden and requesting meals while moaning and groaning like it's the end of the world. Oh he cracks me up.​
Morning Sickness is usually caused by severe fluctuations of glucose in the body.
Kathy1 and Quail are right about the crackers and gingerale. And make sure it has real ginger in it.
Some OB/Gyn s are suggesting the use of fresh ginger to chew on as it has a calming effect on the stomach. One way to help avoid this glucose shift is to eat as if diabetic. This means at night have a snack of carbs and protein. the protein helps slow down the metabolism of carbohydrates thus keeping sugar levels on a more even keel ( level).
What's good at night? Good old peanutbutter and crackers.
Even set the alarm to wake you up 2- 3 hours before you normally need to rise and snack on peanutbutter and crackers and ginger ale at that time and go back to sleep. Have them at bedside so you don't have to get out of bed. The orthostatic pressure changes in the body will cause other things to "turn ON" and start the nausea cycle going.
Licorice is also a naturally calming to the stomach. (anise)(Candy?) YEAH!
God Bless and Healthy grandbaby!
I'm loving all the replies! When I was PG and had morning sickness, I too did the unsalted saltine crackers at the bedside. I would also drink a lot of water first, it was the most easy to puke up, and then that would help get the puking part over with for the morning!! ha ha
I'd forgotten about ginger, it is suppose to calm nausea, so I am going to the store to look for some, also just a ginger root, so you can cut off pieces and place in boiling water, makes a good ginger tea. Red hots! What a great idea, peppermint, too, is calming to the stomach.
And then I think I will get her some bland foods, potatoes, oatmeal, bananas, and I guess applesauce as a sweetener. Oh, and a barf pan for the bedside, hee hee!

Please, keep the ideas coming!
Nothing I tried worked. and I had severe morning sickness for all but one week.

Preggie Pops worked here and there. I had a stash in my desk.
If it is severe enough that she isnt eating she needs to speak with her obgyn NOW. I ended up in the hospital a few times due to dehydration. I couldnt even keep water down.
After a while my obg told me to eat ANYTHING i wanted and was craving. Even though I had GD. In the end I only gained 11 pounds, 7lbs and 6 oz of that was my daughter.

My sister is suffering from mild morning sickness and I just told her the same thing. If you are craving it, even if it is on "the NO list" EAT IT. She had her dh get her a roast beef sub from the deli the other night. She called me the next morning to tell me it had stayed put.

I hope your daughter in law feels better soon. but remember. It doesnt always "stop" during your pregnancy. I didnt feel better until after she was out of me
I think a lot of people make their morning sickness (what doofus named it *morning* sickness? I had it 24 hrs a day for most of my entire pregnancies) worse by following other peoples' prescriptions for what to eat and not eat. It is certainly worth trying peoples' recommendation but your d-i-l should remember to pay attention to what her body thinks about it and not persevere with something that's not helping or maybe making it worse.

For me this was so true. Crackers and the other usual suggestions didn't help at all. What worked for me were Velveeta cheese slices and pears. Why those two things I have no idea. Especially the pears. I never ate pears before I was pregnant and I haven't eaten them since, but those two things were all I could eat when I was having "morning" sickness. Thankfully mine only lasted a few weeks and then I was back to normal eating.​
We use ginger all the time on sea kayaking trips in the open ocean when we know
it's gonna be rough. It does seem to work for motion sickness. Again, I have no
business in this thread but wanted to comment on ginger. It really is a miracle root.

My DW lucked out on her pg. I don't think she puked once, and that's surprising with
me around.

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