Suggestions PLEASE for Human Morning Sickness-UPDATE #56

I was one of the lucky ones who never had morning sickness. I had a couple of friends who could only keep down Coke.

They sell a non-carbinated cola syrup to settle upset stomachs.

One friend said she could only keep down coke, hersey chocolate and taco. The weird part is that she'd have to take a bite of taco, a bite of chocolate and a swallow of coke. If she got it out of order OR more than one bite or swallow, she'd get sick.

Good luck to your DIL. Hope this part goes fast.
Ah, yes. I carry a bottle of Maalox in my purse and I keep one by my bed. Otherwise, I throw up (what I think is) stomach acid.
I have never been pregnant but I know black tea has tanic acid, which helps with nausia. But I think caffine is bad to drink during pregnancy. But I'm sure just taking a few tiny sips wouldn't hurt.
Make sure it's not the prenatal vitamins that are making her sick. I would take mine first thing in the mornig and at first they would make me sick until I was in my 6th month. I would suggest taking them at a different time and make sure she takes them with a good meal so there is no effect. I have heard from lots of women that their vitamins made then sick, would'nt hurt to make sure. Good luck and God bless I will send up a prayer for your DIL.
This has been great getting all these responses and being able to read about different experiences. DIL is hanging in there, and being able to eat some, I hope this passes soon for her!

DIL and son went to dr appointment yesterday. They got an ultrasound and got to see little legs and arms forming and even a little foot! The heartbeat is strong! Everything is going well. She is about 6-7 weeks now.
When I was pregnant, you had to wait till nearly 4 months to hear heartbeat, technology today!
She is eating small meals and keeping them down much better now.
Wonder if those wrist bands with the bead in the middle that press into your wrist would work..they are very effective for motion sickness. I sure empathize with her as I was sick for 7 months with my son and not a day with my daughter..if he had been first he would sure have been the only about miserable...give her a hug and tell her to pick a boy name
* I used (and still use) a quarter piece of a low-dose B6 tablet under the tonque when I get queasy or start that hyper-salivating that precedes throwing up. Once even managed to get DH to stop throwing up and out of bed from a flu in just hours by giving it to him every 45 minutes or so!!

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