Sumatra Thread!

having too much fun with my new phone!
I like that hen a lot she is very nice! the roosters nice but I like the hen the best. how yellow is her feet? the ones I got from Tom Kernan have yellow feet but they are a pale yellow the other ones I have have a oreange yellow color. I hatched out some chicks out of the hens I got from tom and they have a good yellow oreange colored bottoms I guess they got their sires gene. I will have to get some pics of them so you can see.
Thank you and yes they have yellowish feet! The Pullet i really like to! Im now up to 5 bantams blacks and 3 blue and 2 black LF chicks right now
Infnityhrt how did you do at the show?
First show we won ch. AOSB and Best LF with a black sumatra hen, a black ameraucana(not mine) was reserve AOSB. and Second show we took Reserve AOSB and Reserve LF under an Assel, which I must say was a pretty cool looking bird, haven't seen them as much as the Cubalaya's, My daughter in the jr show did really well and won Ch. AOSB Ch Continental, Ch. AOCCL and reserve AOCCL and took Reserve of Jr Show with a black Sumatra pullet, so we had a great show, plus they are always so much fun and got to see quite a few people we haven't seen in years so it was really awesome!

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