Sumatra Thread!

Doing great! Almost completely gone. Without the vaccine, everything got it. Everything got it at different times too, but got over it. Some of the Ameraucanas got secondary illnesses but I think they will be fine. Now it's time for round two of culling, three hundred birds is a little overwhelming.
Thanks for keeping tabs.
Glad to hear its getting better for you. I could understand 300 birds being a bit much. Not sure how many I have as I refuse to count them (denial is bliss sometimes
) But I also need to go through and cull some out. Good luck with your culling.
It was nice to be involved in the show. my brother is getting rid of his Brahma as his saddles hackles and neck hackles are to bright, we might as well aim high with the quality of birds we buy. Then we will achieve show standards sooner.

And some updated pics of the chicks at 3 months old, and the RIR. Are the Rhode island reds supposed to have black in their feathers like my cockerel?

Yes, it is easier to get better from a better start than from a bad start. But sometimes you gotta work with what you have. I hope your brother can easily find what he's looking for in good breeding stock. As for you RIR it should say in your SOP (if that's what it is called over there) what your type of RIR should look like.
This is a updated photo of this years batch. the splash and the really dark blue males are up for grabs. I need some feed back what do you guys think of them? I really like the black male and the two blue females. they all have 2 to 5 spurs per leg and all have yellow bottoms. they are still very young.

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This are updated photo of this years batch. the splash and the really dark blue males are up for grabs.

Personally, since you have wet pox on the place and didn't vaccinate till after you had sick birds show up, if it was me, I would wait till at least a month after the last sick bird fully recovers before selling any birds. Just to make sure that you don't sell any sick birds and spread any disease around. Better safe than sorry in my book, but like I said that is my thoughts on it.
My other sumatra's look healthy and are not acting sick at all. I have the sick ones in a room isolated away from all the other chickens. And I am pretty good about keeping myself clean when I handle the sick ones. I use plastic gloves, I change and wash the cloths I was wearing before I go out to my other chickens. The tools I use to pull out the growths are always being cleaned or sterilized. so yes I am extra careful.

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