Sumatra Thread!

was she out and get wet? when one of DDs birds got ill and was goughing and sneezin n wheezin my doc told me to give her a few drops of saline in her nostrils.... she was better in a few days!
btw my doc buddy was the vet for the houston zoo for over 20 yrs! and now one of the instructors at my school! i get free help and once a quarter i get to bring in my birds to get a checkup!!!
sweet huh?
I need your guys help my hen is sick and she is coughing all the time non stop and my rooster is coughing too!!!! help I don't know what it is is there any ways to cure it??
This really isn't enough info on the birds to give you help in figuring out what they might have.
Could you give all the symptoms the birds are showing and how they are behaving. Details are very helpful.
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