Sumatra Thread!

reputation is important thing to have. Down in Airazona, New Mexico, and some parts of Colorabo, people are starting to recognize me as a breeder of good quality sumatras. that is why I say I have a reputation to hold. I was also was in the silver city news paper in the Desert Exposure, and the American Sumatra association news letter for my show quality sumatras. I did not ask for them to put me in the Desert Exposure but they some how found out about me and interviewed me at a show.

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Would you mind posting a copy of these or pming them to me so I can read them? Thanks
I was videotaped for three days straight at our big show here in CA, plus probably like 8 or 9 interviews that were usually three hours or so long... I have won Old English classes of 450 birds as a sixteen year old. My Cubalayas were praised at a national by the breeder/judge that I bought a cock from four years ago. I don't consider a reputation when showing, because honestly it doesn't make a difference to me. The little kids in the state hate me, but they are not into it as much as I and breed maybe 20 chicks a year.

All I can say is keep breeding to the exact standard, not a revised version. Buy a scale. Keep track of how the weights are changing as they mature, and get a bird that feels solid in the hand, but doesn't weigh more than half a pound over standard. As a "reputable breeder" you should go to what the standard says, not to what someone else tells you, regardless of title. It was written by Sumatra breeders, just like you wish to be, so continue the heritage of the breed, don't change it.
Do you have copies of the interviews and if so can you post or pm them to me? Thanks
I really like this breed and think the roosters are so beautiful. I am just curious about how they are around other chickens at free range, because I have been told they are aggressive? I would like to find out if this is true before I even think about getting some. I would hate to have a roosters fighting all the time in my yard. I have 3 roos right now and they all get along very well.
Quote: I can send you the American sumatra association news letter. I can try to find the silver city new paper that had my article in it. but it has been two years sense then and I must have lost it.
but we will see. I will do my best to find it for you.
Here is a cockerel that I thought some of you might like to have that are working on the Brown Red Sumatra projects. He is 1/2 Sumatra, 3/8th Cubalaya and 1/8th Standard Old English Game.

If you wanted a pullet I might have 1 or 2 for you, but the pullets are cubalaya. Something like this.

P.S. The bottoms of their footpads are white.
interesting Cubakid
I ment to say troyer, I just seen the picture under the name and the worng name popped into my head. Sorry to the both of you for mixing you two up.
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Hello everyone, my name Stephen and I'm new to BYC but not new to chickens. I bought my first Sumatras over 10 years ago but I've let them do their own thing until recently when I decided I should spend the time to shape them up a bit. Here are 2 photos (taken with my phone) of the best of last years roosters that I am planning to pair with the best of some Murray Mcmurray hens I bought this year.
I chose this first photo to show his yellow feet and "pheasant like" look, and the second below shows off his profile, only the last tail feather touches the ground when he's standing alert.

My rooster has 5 spurs on each leg where the hatchery birds have only 1, but the Murray Mcmurray birds have nicer heads and darker faces so we'll see how things go. I plan on breeding toward APA's standards but my personal feeling is Sumatras should be very pheasant like with long narrow bodies, long legs and long horizontal tails; basically pheasant chickens.

So that's a bit about me and (my Sumatras mostly) I hope to chime in every so often, and if anyone has any questions or constructive criticisms regarding either my birds or the Mcmurray's birds I've bought feel free!
I like the looks of him, his bottoms are screaming yellow and he has that more regal carriage that the newer birds are missing, to me his tail is horizontal and comes right off his body, he just looks like his upper body is picked up a bit because he might be a little excited. To me he is broad for his size, he has a balanced look. I like the McMurray birds for there tighter denser body and wonderful dark faces, there line also usually has very nice small pea combs. I would not be afraid to use a McMurray bird if your faces are getting to red or combs getting to large.

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